Partners having affairs - a common practice among Taiwanese?

What marriage should be

Is that a new Olympic sport this summer in Paris?

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Here’s my suggestions to have a good relationship and not get screwed over….

First of all never rely on your partner and put everything in your own name.
-Too many who marry a local will put everything in their wife’s name. They will justify it by claiming their relationship is strong etc… better yet… Get citizenship!

Secondly… why even marry a Taiwanese? Get a Filipino or Vietnamese instead You can easily find much hotter Filipinos or Vietnamese with not nearly as much baggage as a Taiwanese. - (pro tip) with an APRC you can easily get 90 day visas until your partner can finally get a marriage ARC. My partner is doing that until we eventually get all the docs sorted for her ARC

Third, make sure the girl loves to cook and clean. -This is really helpful when you come back from a long day at work and became a necessity for me.

Fourth, set up family location on your iPhones.
-When you have this set up she won’t dare to sneak out… and neither would you. (Your partner gets a notification when you disable it lol)


I’m sorry but this is toxic as shit. If you gotta keep tabs on your partner, then sorry, but that’s a big nope from any girls with sense.

Nothing toxic about it. If you want to cheat… you could theoretically use a different phone or something. (Which some cheaters do actually)

But it is a safety feature that Apple has so you can see where your family is. If you don’t want to use it… turn the feature off. Simple

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I think it really depends on the people. It doesn’t much appeal to me (especially if being used as a control mechanism or an alternative to actual trust), but I know at least one couple that does do it and they both seem fine with it so that’s their choice.

I might be okay with it as an alternative to having to respond to tedious messages like “where are you?” and “when are you coming home?”.

Given some of your other comments where people have called you out for the same, like the one today in the Americans Like Shooting Each Other thread or “What do they bring to the table except for a pair of boobs?”, I’d be cautious of calling other people’s suggestions/choices toxic. You might also consider how qualified you are to dole out relationship advice, given that you’ve posted more than once about your difficulties finding one… :face_with_peeking_eye:


People in glass houses shouldn’t walk around nude or something like that

As for partners we often get the one we got

Not the one we hope to have gotten perhaps

We can draw up a list of demands on ourselves in a choice of mate and come up ……alone

Life is what happens while you are making plans for something else


Great free meal opportunity.

I wonder if it would count if you brought your goddaughter or niece along with your wife?


My wife’s uncle used to bring his wife and girlfriend to family meals.

Everyone was of the opinion that the wife was smart because she gets money and can do what she wants and the gf was the poor one because she wont have kids of her own.


On separate occasions or at the same time?


Sitting next to each other. I think the wife wouldn’t allow it for a good few years, but eventually she decided that everyone knew the score so what does it matter.


Those people could have had some free meals at the above mentioned Meow Mein’s!



There’s one that says you no bring your cat or dog, no more ask please.

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Sounds awkward.

Did they interact with each other?


Yes. Looked reasonably friendly. I think this woman had been around for 30 plus years by that point. These are all old people now. The gf a little younger. Still must be 60 though. Maybe even nearly 70.

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One of my best clients lives in a six floor compound. The queen has the first and second floor and the other four ladies have a floor each above. Another one of my clients is currently building a $NTD300 mil house for his small three and their kids as well as buying up a lot of land for the mistress’s business interest. I could go on and on and on, but yeah, these types of relationships are quite common out here in the west coast industrial towns.


A relative of mine could not stop her husband seeing this one girl for years

She and the woman used to argue on the phone daily so much so that after a few years they became friends

I guess they got used to their daily arguments turning into conversations

And he gets to visit this woman a few times a week

So truce after years

Why would anyone want two wives though

One is maybe one too many at times


Because it’s all hormones, there’s no rational thoughts behind it.

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Reading this old thread as someone with a Taiwanese partner who goes on business trips isnt reassuring at all.

My friend from Thailand also mentioned cheating is extremely common over there. Somehow I had no idea its so common in Taiwan…

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