Partying gone wrong (passing out on someone else's property)

yes the 1st floor, the house nearby my house, i thought i entered my home just so confused,

anyways is there a way to findout if the police has registered a compliant

yes. go to local precinct with your ARC and ask directly


Robert Downey jr., Iron Man, has everyone beat when it comes to invading a strangers house while drunk.

He went to someoneā€™s house drunk and fell asleep in a bedroom, not on a couch, not on the floor, not on the balcony, not on the front porch, but in one of the bedrooms

Just hours after he was charged with one drug crime.

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Yeah, not wanting to just come out and say this, but uhm, ya might just have a problem.

Be careful and be safe.

Not really a solution for your problem, but I was on the receiving end of this, a couple of months ago. I was leaving for work and there was a random wasted guy sat right outside my front door on my balcony table, made me jump. I shouted at him and he went and sat in the stairwell. The guy seemed to have no idea where he was or what he was doing, and couldnā€™t communicate at all, so I figured Iā€™d just leave him there to dry out a bit. When I got home that evening someone had stuck a note on the front door of the building about leaving the front door open, and about random people coming in. No idea if the police were called or not, but maybe be a bit more careful in future buddy.

Perhaps he fell down and forgot to hit the ground?

Yeah pretty sure he was in the K hole. Not actually drunk. Donā€™t do ketamine, kids.

Really? I could easily be that drunk. I think it would be a lot harder to move to anywhere in a K hole :slight_smile:

any chance you happened to also steal a locked You Bike? If so then it sounds like youā€™re good cause the police canā€™t be bothered.