Hello! I am a long time ex-pat in Taiwan and I have an interesting situation I would like to tell you about. I am not really sure where it fits, but I am looking for some legal advice so I’ll post here.
A while back I broke up with my Taiwanese girlfriend. It was my decision and she did not take this well. I knew all along that she wanted me back and was trying very hard to get my attention to get back with me. She broke into my e-mail account and sent e-mails to everybody I know telling about our problems. She also went through my cell-phone bill (the number is in her name) and called all the people that I had called in the last month looking for information about me. :loco:
Now she is saying that she is two months pregnant with my baby. She originally said she is going to have an abortion to make me feel guilty for breaking up with her. Now she is saying maybe she will carry the child to full term and will disappear from my life with a child- of whom I am the father- and never contact me again.
What I am worried about is that she will have the baby and then come after me for child support. I want to know what legal rights I have if she does this. What rights will I have for visitation? Finally, I saw her smoking and drinking and the next day she told me she was pregnant :fume: . I want to know how can I protect myself from having to pay more money because the baby has handicaps due to her behavior. That is assuming she is even telling me the truth about all of this.