People are Flaky

I don’t think you’re so wrong. My friend, anyway. As a kid, he was sent away by his father at a young age to boarding school. Has told me about very unpleasant years. Now he has huge problems with authority, being told what to do, and that spills over into timekeeping.

The partner of a narcissist is continually cleaning up after them, literally by picking up behind them,[/quote]

That also fits - he’s extremely messy.

But I do abhor flakiness, although I’m not as perfect as I used to be about showing up on time myself.

You also have to be prepared to hear ‘OK, thanks for letting me know but I’m not going to wait.’[/quote]

uptight much? sometimes people are just late. I have 2 friends that used to aways be on-time. everything changed when they got gfs… it happens.[/quote]

I’m not uptight, I just don’t care about other people more than myself. If I wanted to see someone more than I wanted to sit for an hour in a shitty mall restaurant in Taipei, I would. If you’re late, that’s fine: no judgement, but it affects you, not me. My day will continue as planned.

You also have to be prepared to hear ‘OK, thanks for letting me know but I’m not going to wait.’[/quote]

uptight much? sometimes people are just late. I have 2 friends that used to aways be on-time. everything changed when they got gfs… it happens.[/quote]

I’m not uptight, I just don’t care about other people more than myself. If I wanted to see someone more than I wanted to sit for an hour in a shitty mall restaurant in Taipei, I would. If you’re late, that’s fine: no judgement, but it affects you, not me. My day will continue as planned.[/quote]

Yeah, I was going to say that anyone with the word “cunts” in their tag line/signature thingy down there at the bottom, could hardly be described as uptight. More like someone who doesn’t tolerate any bullshit, which is refreshing IMHO. Cuz, you see, when you start tolerating other people’s bullshit, you develop that “it happens” attitude, which only empowers people to be flakey, passive-aggressive, and all the other bullshit they can throw your way. I, like, Ermie here, would rather pick up that nugget of excrement and hurl it back at whoever dropped it.

(EDITED for humility)

[strike]Here we go…back onto the topic of excrement and poopy shoes[/strike]

Hurling poop at people will result in more than just poopy shoes, but probably poopy clothes too

Put your toys back in the box now kids, this thread isn’t your playground. :slight_smile:

(EDITED for civility)

What kind of adult is consistently late anyways?
I mean beyond the perfectly reasonable (5 to 15 minutes) effects of traffic/public transport and the like.

Unless one’s spending all one’s time with, like, cocktail waitresses or musicians, I guess.

I find what a lot of locals do is just disappear into thin air. I send a message asking if they want to go for lunch, and then there is no reply, because that person does not want to say no, so they just ignore my message (they figure it is implying a no to me) , then the next day they call like I never said anything to them. These same people do it to me with prearranged appointments, flake out, don’t respond to my line asking where they are, and then calling the next day like nothing happened.

I had one douche just today say have the audacity as the first thing he said when he picked up the phone, “I called you twice in the last 20 minutes, why didn’t you pick up?” I asked him why he didn’t pick up for the last 2 days, and he didn’t reply at all.

He will get offended when I am late (where are you? repeated messages) but if you call him on his lateness or flakiness, silence.

I really need new friends.

i guess i am just laid back or something. if someone was an hour late to meet me in a mall i would go exploring or go on my phone or something… it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. but hey i am freelance and make my own schedule up as i go along so i know i am not normal.

No, you’re absolutely normal. When I was 26, I would piss away months, hanging round Asian shopping malls. I’m older than you, so make my own schedule and have no interest in phones and malls. I’ll be dead in 20 years – you probably won’t.

You’re freelance: you’re giving some loser an hour of billable time? You’re not laid back, you just value relationships more than your own projects. I really don’t. My friends get that and are the same – they’re artists, have kids, have they’re own businesses.

Still ADD-ing it up on this dumb guysite, though. :laughing:

I had a good friend that was habitually late.

Eventually I said, “I refuse to meet you in a place that I don’t enjoy hanging out. So, in the future we will meet at my place, the library, or a book store.”

Haven’t smartphones made waiting better? You younguns don’t know the
of the word 'boredom." YouyoungwhippersnappersbetterGetoffmahconcreteorI’ll!


You also have to be prepared to hear ‘OK, thanks for letting me know but I’m not going to wait.’

I’m not uptight, I just don’t care about other people more than myself. If I wanted to see someone more than I wanted to sit for an hour in a shitty mall restaurant in Taipei, I would. If you’re late, that’s fine: no judgement, but it affects you, not me. My day will continue as planned.[/quote]

Some may feel that’s a bit tough, but I think it sets clear boundaries for the relationship. It’s completely fair.

The part that stinks is that if I’m in a group setting and 15 minutes has passed, I want to start ordering. Some people might think that it’s rude not to wait. Group harmony and shit. But I think after a “15-minute grace period” has passed, the late-comers are exhibiting disharmonious behavior and should be shifted to the out-group. In Taiwanese groups of the same age, it’s not difficult to convince the others to just go ahead and start ordering. If the late-comer is someone older with status then the group usually waits.

No, you’re absolutely normal. When I was 26, I would piss away months, hanging round Asian shopping malls. I’m older than you, so make my own schedule and have no interest in phones and malls. I’ll be dead in 20 years – you probably won’t.

You’re freelance: you’re giving some loser an hour of billable time? You’re not laid back, you just value relationships more than your own projects. I really don’t. My friends get that and are the same – they’re artists, have kids, have they’re own businesses.

Still ADD-ing it up on this dumb guysite, though. :laughing:[/quote]

thanks for the life story?? i am not 26 and i do value my own projects but thanks anyway. is having no patience and a lack of ability in dealing with outside circumstances really an age issue? not at all.