There have been some other discussions about this topic, but I’m struggling to understand how to apply for a once off perfomance permit for a show.
Is there anyone out there that has actually done this?
Any information is much appreciated.
There have been some other discussions about this topic, but I’m struggling to understand how to apply for a once off perfomance permit for a show.
Is there anyone out there that has actually done this?
Any information is much appreciated.
Do you have an APRC or marriage ARC?
ARC only. Hence the need to apply for the permit
What kind of ARC? Work / Study / Marriage?
You might need
Work ARC. As far as I know, the street performer permit is for busking. I want to perform in a bar. From what I understand there are certain circumstances that a performance permit is needed, and others when it isn’t. I just want to know when it is needed, and then more importantly how to apply for one.
Then you only need an additional work permit.
I hope this helps EZ Work Taiwan-Arts and Performing Arts
It seems that on there the employer needs to apply for the visa… Have you used this site to apply for a performance permit before. I’ve tried, but I can’t figure it out. And I don’t want to apply for the artist/freelance visa.
You already have a residence certificate. No need for another visa. You only need a work permit to perform work for the other employer.
It’s more paperwork since you don’t have an open work permit.
It’s very risky to perform without a work permit. One call from somebody to police and you will get deported.
Yes. Understood. That is why I want to apply for it, but it’s been super confusing thus far. hahaha. Thanks for all the help.
Can I ask, have you ever applied for the permit? How hard is it to get? I’m trying to register on the site now.
Please don’t talk about not getting a permit… Instead let’s talk about how to get one. Thanks.
It’s not that hard but requires a bunch of paperwork, persistence, and a decent understanding of how to work with government agencies. You’ll need to review the information on the site @slawa provided. Especially the SOP Manual here.
You might be able to get help from a licensed immigration consultant like if this is too much for you.
There are several well known people in the music community who do this regularly but I’m not sure they want to be inundated for requests for free help. Ask around.
Yes, you must have an employer and the employer must have the required line(s) of business registered.
The venue requirements used to be a headache. Not sure if that is still the case.
Consider getting an independent artist work permit for more freedom and fewer hassles. No employer requirement.
Thanks. I’ll take a look. But at the moment the independent artist work permit is not an option. The qualifications for that is waaaaaay to strict. I only want to play 1 show in a bar and do so legally. Was hoping that anyone out there had actually applied for a performance permit and gotten one, but even after talking with many musicians here, I’m yet to encounter anyone that has done this…
Color me not very surprised