Permanent Resident Club

Did you know that their are approximately 500
permanent residents in Taiwan, mostly Japanese
and Malaysian, and about 60 Americans.

Anyways, if we had a “club” then it might come in
handy one day, as a way to get in touch (you
know, for the usual cliche card burning
demonstrations, etc.)

In the club, we don’t discuss how to, or how you
qualified, be it golf scores or marital services.
Nope, if anything, our focus is “where to from
here?”, in particular, how to ever upgrade to the
premium “citizens card” [shen1fen4zheng4].

To join the club, just post a reply here. That’s
all there is to it. All the club is at the
present time is this posting and its replies.
Remember of course you must be a Permanent

Yes, count me in! I’ve been looking for an
exclusive club to join. By the way, I think I
know why there are so many Japanese. I mean even
my card says

By the way
says that there’s an Italian Father [shen2fu4] in
Yilan who also wants citizenship, not just PR.

How many Dan Jacobsons are there in here, anyway?

Oh, and the Italian Father doesn’t just want citizenship; he wants dual-citizenship, i.e. he wants to retain Italian citizenship and obtain ROC citizenship. Just in case anyone is confused.

My questions:

(1)(a) As a general rule, does the Italian government allow its citizens to have dual citizenship?

(b) For Taiwan citizens who obtain Italian citizenship, must they formally renounce Taiwan citizenship as part of the application procedure?

(2) For an Italian citizen who renounces Italian citizenship, is there any convenient way to obtain this citizenship back again? Or is that extremely difficult? Please provide full details.

I hope that you or someone interested in the rights of Italian citizens in Taiwan can provide answers to the above questions. If the relevant legal information is available on the internet in English, please provide the URLs as well.

In answer to your questions about Italians:

(1)(a) = Yes
(b) = Doesn’t seem to be required - don’t know what the oath intails though…
(2) = Yes, article 13 deals with this

If an Italian gets citizenship in another country he must inform his embassy within 3 mo. of acquisition or else he will be fined (art 24).

The citizenship law of Italy (in Italian + English)can be found in my library along w/ the citizenship laws of a few other countries.


So funny that you blackout you eyes and mouth. As if we couldn’t recognize you from 500 meters with that beard and long hair.



50 years to get a Green Card. 100 years for a real ID card?

I suppose the news is all lovey dovey again and nobody mentioned that
anything was wrong.

Back of the bus, and they are all grateful.

We need a Martin Luther Queen to step forth and stop accepting their
second class citizen cards, and hold out for the gold.

We’re going to truly need that gold soon, so do you have the Midas Touch for fundraising as well as raising hell?

What’s with this “we?” You live in Nevada, don’t you? Last I heard, that was part of Murka.

My understanding of the situation is that if you qualify you must stay in Taiwan and never leave for over 183 days (previously you must have stayed 270 days in each previous year). If you leave the country for over six month in a year, you automatically lose your “permanent resident” status and must start all over again from scratch, that is: you have to stay more than six months a year for seven consecutive years (or is it eight, or 20?).
I asked a cop at the cop shop once how this could be called permanent when if you leave in one year over the time allowed, you are screwed and have to start all over. He just shrugged.
This seems like a “visa” for people who intend to settle here and never take a long vacation out of the country.

Brilliant observation about permanancy…the same applies to the US permanent resident visa, too.

If you are not an immigrant, then permanent is not applicable to your temporary sojourn there.
It is really about your intent to be permanent.

Not really permanent residency at all then is it ?

Only citizenship is permanent.

…and death and taxes…

Made me wonder. With the stories int he papers about those oldies getting their PR. The whoel reasont hey had to be given it specially was becuase they kept leaving the country for too long right? So are they all going to lose their PR again in another few years?

In NZ a Taiwanese can get PR automatically if married ot a NZ citizen, and his/her relatives can start getting it pretty quick too. After that you do have to stay int he country for 6 months a year, but you can upgrade to citizenship in 2 or 3 years.


Aloha I have the APRC and I will join your club! If you have one?

內政部長余政憲代表政府前往宜蘭縣〔神愛兒童之&#23 478;〕,頒
發外僑永久居留證給畢生照顧孤兒的〔史可堯〕夫&#23 142;,〔史可堯〕被問到拿到永
久居留證的心情時,開玩笑地說,以後電話預購火&#36 554;票就不用再借用別人的身份
證了。史可堯在領到我國身份證後,他說訂車票終&#26 044;不用再借用別人的身份證:
史可堯指出他和妻子已經是真正的台灣人,死後打&#31 639;葬在台灣。

丹問:死前政府一點老人津貼給不給你?還是我們&#35 201;住滿一百年始得領?

另外,您所謂身份證的字號英文有兩字,大概仍需&#20 511;。

Gee, been here 50 years and still unqualified for old age pensions.
The government’s message is 死好. How about all those
Taiwanese that are dual citizens of the US. Can they get both US
social security and Taiwan 老人津貼?

Certainly there are some Permanent Residents who’s life is not all
smiles and sparkles. A senior citizen who probably couldn’t afford
the $10000 for the card in the first place. This could be our test
case to ask “and what social benefits does he qualify for with his
current non-ID card?” “His neighbors are all eating steak while he
just has dog food.” Shall we just make a new special rule to give him
some cash to make it not so embarrassing — anything but give him

Oops, forgot that one of the principles of immigration world wide was
that you don’t cause a burden. But wait, who’s idea was it to let him
live 30, 40, 50 years here first then anyway.

I’m not saying ‘free old age pensions for foreigners’. Just after
they become citizens, use the usual rules to see if they qualify.
Don’t just never let them become citizens, as at present.

The newspaper says 史可堯夫婦樂得合不攏嘴,頻頻向在場人士炫耀:&#12 300;我是真港的台灣人!」。

He gets the APRC card and thinks he is Taiwanese now. I’d say he is
only 10% more Taiwanese than with the old card. Plus he can’t stay
out of the country as long as with the old card.

I’d say it will only take a year or two for the afterglow to wear
off, even if the Minister himself has personally gave you your APRC

You will realize that what you felt bad about wasn’t necessarily
addressed by the new card, which is perhaps just, say 30 one year
cards wrapped into one for the price of 10 + AIDS test, assuming that
one has 30 more years to live.

perhaps mentions that China is catching up. Maybe even offering
household registration (hu4ji2). But of course, no matter in China or
Taiwan, “dogs are dogs, cats are cats, and foreigners are foreigners,
you can tell by just looking.”

I have wondered the same thing as Bri, but I think (I could be wrong here) that the deal that the old Norwegians got was something special because of their outstanding contributions over the last 50 years, albeit living here on and off.

Hmmm…what significant contributions to Taiwan society have I made?..

More of minister Yu Zhengxian making the rounds personally awarding
Permanent Resident cards to the worthy. (Chinese):
Let’s consider case 1: Mr. Poagao cuts his hair, becomes a soldier for two
years, and gives up his original citizenship. In return he gets
Taiwan citizenship. A past 40 or female Poagao wouldn’t even need to cut his
hair and be a soldier.
Case 2. Reverend X opens a hospital, orphanage etc. for 50 years, not
asking for anything. All he gets is a PR card, however it is
personally delivered by the minister will the county and town
magistrates in attendance.

It seems the idea of personally handing out the PR cards is Yu’s.
Perhaps he has some kind of gut feeling. Maybe he would be receptive
to the idea that these 50 year types are worthy of a little more.
Once he starts handing out citizen cards then the dual citizen bar

Regarding Denmark, etc. Are they like Taiwan with lots of dual
citizens, as long as you were Taiwanese to start with?

By the way, is there something sneaky about this law adjustment
any insider scoop or no big deal?