Phlegm - in or out?

I have a hacking cough. My wife says I should be expectorating anything that this cough produces, as she says that my phlegm will just make me sicker. Any truth in this? I have an aversion to hacking up phlegm and spitting because of my time on the mainland, but if it really is the most hygenic thing to do, I guess I could cough up in a tissue and dispose of in a plastic bag…

What’s the official word? Phlegm - good or bad? In or out? :idunno:

I very much doubt keeping it in will do you any harm. I suspect it will just get broken down by the acid in your stomach and various enzymes etc.

edit: just googled ‘swallowing plegm’ (never thought I would do that!) and found this


I say either way is okay. Whatever makes you happy.

The only thing I would recommend against is phlegm swapping. I would think that would not be very hygenic.

Spit it out. You can do this in an hygenic manner.


Yeah, just hack it into a hanky or a tissue or down the toilet or something…

Everybody coughs when you get up at 10am on Saturday… But, I have the same issue, spit or swallow, all the time. What helps you to get rid of the cough (other than stop smoking)?

It’s raining, so folks below will have umbrellas. Go to your balcony and get some DISTANCE!

Stealing from another two threads:If God gave me phlegm, it was for a reason.

In? Out? Does it matter? Eventually it’ll find its way out.

I always figure it wants to come out, and will keep coming up until it does. May as well get rid of it the first time. (This isn’t a scientific analysis however :wink: ).


My MIL spits it out. She’s as healthy as a rabbit.

From: “The Tao of Health, Life and Longevity” (Daniel Reid)

“Coughs are caused mainly by the body’s attempt to rid itself of excess toxic mucas through the lungs and bronchial tubes; the toxins tender lining of the throat, causing the throat to ‘cough it up’”.

I hack the junk out any chance I get - do it politely as others have mentioned.

I follow a lot of the health things in this book, and find myself doing pretty well here (one serious cold in the last 1.5 years, after years of being sick. Although this is partly the body’s reaction to living here for a while). You can buy it in caves, and likely elsewhere. Worth the price, especially if you just got here and your body hasn’t had time to adjust - odds are you will get sick often.

He recommends pineapple. Don’t swallow it, just let the juice run down your throat and spit out the pulp. Also, blend up a whole lemon with a cup of (distilled) water and slowly drink that (put some molasses in it if too sour - no sugar). Finally, lotsa vit. c fruits (not straight outta the fridge) and garlic (raw). Avoid dairy, milk and flour.

When I follow this stuff, I tend to get better faster than if I take meds (which I don’t anymore). Good luck in getting better.

Hock the loogie into the bathroom sink first thing in the morning… after brushing your tongue and gagging.

I agree with not spitting it out… even into a hanky makes me gag when I see other people do it… but it’s your lungbutter… do with it as you wish.

I think in private you should spit it out; I don’t suppose it hurts you to swallow it, though. However, please in public don’t spit it out, even into a kleenex, even discreetly. This makes me gag, even after living in Asia for nine years, and I can’t be the only one. Adapting to the local culture should only go so far

If I do this…hawk it up and spit…I scream as it leaves. aahhhhh

Like it’s alive!!

My son loves it lol

I just got back from the hospital. I asked the doctor there and he said it makes no difference. So, in the interest of not offending anyone, I think I’ll just quietly recycle my phlegm when it decides to rattle loose from my bronchial tubes. :wink:

I enjoy hawking up phlegm. I can’t wait for old age.


Swallow it like a man! :smiley:

I am just returning from phlegm hell.

I had Sudafed, ran out two days ago and visited the chemist on my own and told them that my big nose had big trouble.

They gave me Rhinolux. I really think its to make your nose runny.

Yesterday I went again to another chemist and found Pseudoephedrine as an ingredient in one lot. This I knew was in Sudafed.

Took this and an Otrovine squirt thing home last night and 1 hour later I could breath again and 2 hours later the hacking cough and sinus ache that had got all the way from my eyes to my teeth started to back off.

Conclusion, don’t buy Rhinolux.

[quote=“Ironman”]I am just returning from phlegm hell.

I had Sudafed, ran out two days ago and visited the chemist on my own and told them that my big nose had big trouble.

They gave me Rhinolux. I really think its to make your nose runny.

Yesterday I went again to another chemist and found Pseudoephedrine as an ingredient in one lot. This I knew was in Sudafed.

Took this and an Otrovine squirt thing home last night and 1 hour later I could breath again and 2 hours later the hacking cough and sinus ache that had got all the way from my eyes to my teeth started to back off.

Conclusion, don’t buy Rhinolux.[/quote]

Damn… you got all that… sounds nasty… I’ll stay away from Yangmei for awhile then lol

Hope you get better soon :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: