PIC QUIZ ROUND 11 (Where is this /or What happened there?)

But I think I was wrong not to leave the matter well enough alone. :nerd_face:

Apologies for the distraction.

Is the wanted person JFK though?

No, not a politician

“Arts and academia,” or more specifically, the Druid Theater Company; National University of Ireland, Galway; and O’Donoghue Centre for Theatre, Drama and Performance?


Ah dun ma bess (I did my best).

Martin Oliver, King of the Claddagh

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Found the photo, eerie one with the hearse. :pray: sister

Don’t think it will help the remaining questions.

I hereby withdraw the above answer. I think I know the correct answer, but I’ve decided not to post that particular combination of words on the Internet.


Irish independence?

Michael Griffin (Irish priest) - Wikipedia

Wild guess, because the 100th anniversary of his death was last year.


Photo? What photo?


Look for a statue

I don’t know why you would not want to post that answer

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Ok, streetview then

Maybe I led CJ astray by my answer as a type of boat is involved.

Though question is ‘who’. Fishermen?

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Apologies; maybe I just got another wrong answer. I’ve been wrong a lot lately. :slight_smile:

I also was puzzled by “who.” But I don’t think you misled me.

Whatever the right answer is, I just decided to leave that one alone. If I’d been thinking well, I wouldn’t have said I thought I knew the answer. I wouldn’t have said anything. I’d have just let my “shawlies” answer stand.

And I’m not trying to stir crap with anybody. I guess I’m just being a coward. :slight_smile: But if I’d been a smart coward, I wouldn’t have opened my yap at all.

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“land beyond the Atlantic”

(Christopher Columbus)