PIC QUIZ ROUND 9 (Where is this /or What happened there?)

I am indisposed for a few days because of AstraZeneca and this thread has suddenly 100+ posts

Did you take it in Taiwan?
How hard the indisposition hit you?

In Nantou Hospital.
I got a fever that was bad for an evening (headache and shivers), it faded over two days.
My wife only had some pain in the shoulder.

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About 1 of 10 are getting such side effects.
:four_leaf_clover: :sideeye:

We were thinking about taking the vaccine, too.
But with three kids at home, it’s better to not have both parents indisposed at the same time

I refused to drive in my condition. Doing it at different times is good idea for families.
We had long weekend and wanted to use it for recovery.

My in-laws are going this week (probably) today

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I’ll get mine on Friday. Than I have the weekend to weather the effects.

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  1. Helgoland
  2. Fyn
  3. Texel
  4. FÀröer
  5. Åland

The door to the left bears some useful information.

[ _ _ _ _ | _ _ ]
[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
[ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ ]
[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
[ _ _ - _ _ ]
[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
[ _ _ - _ _ ]

One BP per line.



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OpiĂ° er:
MĂĄnadag - hĂłsdag
10 - 17.30
10 - 18
10 - 14


I’ve actually eaten at that sushi restaurant once, unfortunately you are too quick.

Is that one attached to the hotel? Looks nice.

Too many clues in this one, for the Milking One anyway,

Not many six-story houses on these islands to begin with, then just look for hotels in a central area, some trees around, and bang! :laughing:

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Have a smooth ride!

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The glas hut with peat roof on the other side, it was overpriced and just okey.

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@Dr_Milker How many points would you like for the last guess?

Don’t pretend you don’t know how many points that is. :grin:

You want all?