Pine Nuts

I tried RT mart and Carrefour and nothing.

Costco have them at a ridiculous 999NT and they are from China!

Anyone know if there is anywhere else with civilised prices?

What city? Try stores that cater to food vendors and sell lots of stuff in bulk. That’s where we get pizza crusts, sour cream, pie crusts and filling, pickles, bagels, and other stuff. There are many in Tainan, 5 that I’ve personally visited.

Many of the baking stores have pine nuts.

This thread for the list of them:

(Mod note: should the baking store post be a sticky? It seems to be referenced an awful lot!)

I’ve also seen them at City Super, I think. Look in their nuts section, but also in their “own products” section - usually one shelf stand, with white labels on glass or clear plastic containers. It’s surprising the kind of stuff that’ll show up there sometimes.

I think that should read “note to mod”, otherwise it looks like I wrote it. :wink:
Good idea, I’ll consider it.

To the OP, Yi Wei has pine nuts, 100g bag NT$181, apparently from Taiwan.

Any suggestions where I can go for Pine Nuts in Taipei? I want to make my own Pesto Sauce. I tried Qian lien Supermarket this evening but no go. Shoukd Carrefour have?

City Super often has them, in the little Dr. Oko shelf. I think I saw them recently on Costco’s website. Unsure about Carrefour: searching on their app for pine nuts doesn’t find anything interesting (which could also rule out Mia C’bon?).

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If those fail, try the “Western style” grocery stores. By that i mean grocery stores in how people in north america would call them, not that they sell western products. Here they often call them food supply stores. Basically the ingredients for all the small businesses plus anyone that doesnt want to be ripped off by px mart and 711 type shops. Loads of baking and related stuff. Pine nuts should be easier now :slight_smile: I never use them or trade them, so can’t comment on the China sourcing issue, sorry.

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