Pink Eye Conjunctivitis

According to the Taipei area optometrist, is very common this season. Highly contagious and transmitted mostly through hand contact but also through anything mutually shared where hands both touched. Alcohol spray and anti-bacterial lotion on hands isn’t good enough, need to wash hands with soap. 80-90% chance will migrate to the other eye.

Treatment given, a couple types of eye drops, a bedtime eye ointment. Come back in 1 week if not cleared up.

Initially felt like something was stuck inside eyelid.

Haven’t had it since childhood.


I had it after visiting Kaohsiung about five years ago. Was very itchy

My mom used to tell me you get it from watching naked ladies

Maybe she knew you were in the attic or out in the woods looking at old ripped up Playboy magazines.

And I hope you’ve realized by now this isn’t the case?

Given that it’s contagious I am surprised that they didn’t send you off to a Quarantine Hotel and send out the moon suit people to incarcerate your close contacts. :wink:

May you have a relaxing Christmas and recover in time for New Year (the Western one).