Plastic Surgery...Your Thoughts?

I think I would totally consider getting stuff done when I get older.
Even though I don’t agree with people in their 20’s getting invasive plastic surgery unless is to correct deformities.
But I think when u reach ur 50’s if you really feel like it’s necessary I don’t see why not

It can really ruin peoples` looks too. Look at Meg Ryan for example.

But it can help some people who are born not so attractive.

For guys though, I’ve never met a normal guy who couldn’t workout, groom, and dress up and look decent.

No one is born attractive, all babies are born ugly, slimy.

I know right. All the people look at babies and are like how cute! I go and sometimes I have to catch myself making a eww face lol.

Is not true, they look so sweet especially if they are on the chubby side

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Not when they are just out of the tube!

Other people’s babies are generally Churchillian in appearance, but my daughter was definitely gorgeous.

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A well-done nose job can really make a world of difference in someone’s overall face and confidence in some cases, though. I met a lot of people post-nosejob who gladly share photos of how their nose used to look and it’s kind of amazing sometimes.

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@Andrew0409 I think if/when you see your own baby you will fall in love right away. It’s different when it’s your own little wrinkly meatball and not somebody else’s…

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Cosmetic surgery can make a big difference to facial symmetry (that subconsciously we are all attracted to).

When it fails big time is when it attempts to beat gravity by pulling and tightening skin.

I don’t see the harm in just a bit of maintenance botox to try to recapture the way you looked in youth, but after a certain point…not much to be done but try to age gracefully.

Temporary changes like botox are generally OK, but facelifts are always a disaster.

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True. It’s the mini-me the parents love.

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People lie all the time. Isn’t she/he a lovely baby … uhm, yeah … somehow it has your eyes … and nose!

not true. if you are talking about the asian nose job. the ‘tall nose’ doesn’t even fit their face. always looks off.

if you are talking westerners, well its down to luck if something looks good. more often than not the results look bad and fake, and its a slippery slope. its better to just be happy with what you have, whatever that is. look at micheal jackson. he was good looking before he had any surgery. then they just kept adding up and his face became a disaster.

Oh I wasn’t referring to the Asian nose job. More like those jobs where someone gets their roman nose knocked flat, or when they straighten a formerly crooked nose. Although I think it can be a shame to “correct” a roman nose. Sometimes it looks quite dignified, and there’s more personality to it.

I have one of those lol never really bothered me but I think a flat nose looks better.

I think more often it’s women who feel uncomfortable about it enough to change it, since it’s quite a “strong” feature. It’s too bad because I think a little “masculinity” can add a lot to a woman’s face, and vice versa. I myself love a soft and pretty face on a man :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: