Pokey Nips Covering

I think we all know that we can group the Taiwanese female nipples in two categories: pink and tiny and brown and big. I guess I’m not the only one who has been surprised with the length of some of brown ones. I mean, there are long nipples, and loooooong nipples.

Well, not the same as the female ones, but there’s one guy in Kending wearing a cowboy hat, or maybe it’s the other muscled guy next stand, who should receive a honourable mention. I don’t know if his nipples would bleed during marathons of if they would tear apart the most resistant tshirts. If you haven’t seen them go and do it already!

Oh man is that a real runner in a marathon?? I feel so bad. I thought the office bit was all satire…had no idea people actually deal with this.

it’s real. and you can find plenty of examples online. not common per se, but probably happens at any decent sized marathon. some specific protection. :smiley:


The least expensive solution is to go topless. :2cents:

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Well the fines can’t get hefty after a while

pinning on a race bib is a bitch in that case. :wink:

(some people pin it on their shorts (not comfortable at all) or a race belt)

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I think my shirts shrank.