Police check out of date after three months?

Good morning,

I just gave my new employer a copy of my police check from October 22. They said it’s out of date after three months. Is this true?

BTW, I have a marriage visa so no need for ARC application etc.

I thought police checks are valid for two years, and I know I can apply online, but I thought I’d ask you good folks first.


Yes that’s correct if it’s a new job. The education department needs to approve your employment so it needs to have been done within three months. However , after that if you stay with that employer you do not have to keep renewing until the next contract renewal.

Thank you very much. You crushed it!


Depends on the job, for example if its working at a cram school then the police check is good for 6 months according to the Ministry of Labor. If its the same school then no need for a police check again when renew.
