Police in Taiwan

not in quebec, as it is legal now

“think first, then write”

[quote=“daughters”]not in Quebec, as it is legal now[/quote]My mind was boggling over what you could possibly be referring to. Then by chance I went back to the first page of the thread, where I saw;

[quote=“Toe Save”][quote=“iris”][quote=“mesheel”][quote]First of all, I don

Something I did see with my very own eyes this early late evening:

I was waiting at a traffic light (red, not green) at a busy cross roads where I noticed a police man on a scooter behind me indicating to turn right.
The lights eventually turned to green and it was my turn to go.
I started to pull off but at the last minute (as usual) a pillock riding a scooter decides that the red light doesn’t apply to for at least ten seconds after everybody else has stopped.

Some angry protesers beeped their horn at the careless rider as he tear-arsed through the intersection on red.
Unfortunately some elderly pedestrians had already started to cross the road to my right and the rider of the scooter failed to stop in time - he literally powered into the innocent road crossers.

Because of the scooter crossing the intersection on red I was looking in my mirror to see if the cop behind would actually do anything. When I looked up it was just in time to see the collision.

This cop saw everything. There were screams from onlookers and screams from the victims as they were thrown through the air onto the tarmac. I rushed over to help and on my way over I was looking behind me expecting the cop to assist.


His indicator was turned off and he drove straight across the road, looking to his left as if what had just happened before his very eyes was just a figment of his imagination. I tried to remember his registration number as I assited the old bloke who was flat on his back on the road but I forgot it in the heat of the moment.

The old bloke was alright and proceeded to whack the bloke who hit him over the back with his very own helmet after I helped him up. Every body else who was hit was fine too, which is amazing as the bike was going at least 30mph when it hit them.

Ahh Taiwan. Refuge in a world full of lawlessness, useless police forces, corruption and turmoil.

That’s TV news worthy.


DangerMouse -
I am reminded of a couple of sage sayings from Texas.

  1. “It just made sense to beat the shit outta him”
  2. " Yer Honor" (used in addressing the Judge)" he just needed killin’."

Sometimes thats all a person can say.

I was up in the mountains at a 7-11…there was a cop parked in front of the 7-11. And there was also oil all over the road…I think there was an accident and there was tons of oil and gas…across the road. I went up to the police and told them they should call someone to put something down on top of the gas. I gave them a pretty good laugh…after they calmed down from their laughing at me. I apologized to them…I said (in Chinese) “Sorry, I forgot you weren’t real police…you don’t care about safety…or helping others…I’m sure you have some bing-lang girls to go bully…so why don’t you get to it?” They of course having no self-respect or pride were unaffected by my insults. The group I was riding with at the time thought it was pretty amusing though…I was still mad. But we don’t just have shitty cops here…check this out: msnbc.msn.com/id/7267447/

That news article is appaling. Don’t let that incident be representative of the whole police force, though.

Deisel is an absolute killer for cars and cycles. All the police needed to do was put down some sawdust or sand. Of course, they wont think to carry this kind of equipment in their car.
Mordeth. If I ever see anything on the road I usually always move it. From cardboard boxes to bits of glass and odds and ends off cars. People swerving at the last minute is a recipie for disaster.
I’ve put dried mud on a diesel spillage before in Taiwan. It was on a mountain road too. The mud is not that effective but it soaks up some of the stuff and drivers will subconciously avoid something they can see on the road (unless they are other cars or scooters).

Perhaps I care to much. I shouldn’t waste my time on Dickhead Taiwanese drivers.

I had read about that sh*thead state trooper already… it seems that just like Taiwan, his misconduct will be swept under the carpet…

[quote]A state trooper was suspended for 15 days without pay after he was recorded on a 911 tape saying

I actually saw a cop doing a decent job at a major intersection this morning. He wouldn’t let anyone sneak a left turn from the left lane, park on the corners, illegally chuck a bitch or anything. Just stood in front of them or kept blowing the whistle until they moved on. :noway:
Maybe he just didn’t get any last night, or someone pissed on his battery? Maybe there is hope yet.

I was driving downt the street about 20 min ago. There was a car in the oncoming lane doing about 20km/hr with no cars in front of him and a line of cars blocked in behind…on that road the speed limit is 60. There was a cop directly behind him…The cop should be honking or getting annoyed or something…but no the cop just pulls out and passes the guy driving blocking the only lane heading in that direction.
The whole red and blue lights on all the time…bothers me to no end. Whenever I get behind a cop car I’ll flash my brights at them…constantly. I think to myself “Well, if they pull me over I’ll just say I was trying to copy them…driving around with flashing lights…for no reason whatsoever…” But not once have they seemed to mind. I’ve even played chicken with cop cars flashing them as I go…do you think they minded? Nope.

I know I’m sounding a bit like an idiot at this point…but I’m just trying to gauge the depths of their pathetic-ness. It’s like having a mentally retarded deff, dumb, and blind dog on your street…and every once in awhile you give it a poke with a stick to see if it’s still alive…problem is when you poke it with the stick…it doesn’t react…sooo…you just keep poking it and waiting for a reaction.

My Mom was robbed in broad daylight on one of the main streets in Yang Mei about 3 months ago. At 2:15pm in the afternoon with a squad car approx. 15 meters behind her witnessing the entire incident.

When we filed the incident at precinct later on the cops in that squad car insisted that they didn’t see anything and that they were infront of her not behind her as she claimed. How the hell can you miss a mid aged woman screaming at the top of her lungs whilst she was being dragged to the ground by a pair on a scooter making off with her purse at 2:15pm in the afternoon?

They kept on playing the blame game and saying it wasn’t their fault until they asked her what her occupation was. She’s an accountant at Next Magazine (If you don’t know this magazine is like the highest circulating gossip/paparazzi-style journo mag in Taiwan) and she told them that she’s gonna have a few words with people at work about the level of incompetence displayed here today.

I tell you man, I’ve never seen so much asskissing in my entire life :smiley: . The police captain came out and started talking to us about they’d pay for the medical bills and whipped out the fresh fruits and coffee. Goddamn cops I tell you, before they couldn’t give a crap and now we’re being treated as royalty.

Well hopefully your mom still did…or is going to… have something writen about the police. That’s a horrible story…police watch someone get mugged and do nothing? Holyshit man! If she does get someone to write something in “Next” then shoot me a PM…I’d like to be interviewed for that.

Orap -
Best regards to your Mother. I hope she is OK now.
The cancer is sytemic in LEO’s on the island.

Also, you have one of the best avatars I have seen!

Mordeth has just reminded me about an incident which happened yesterday.
Driving down the road as usual when I pass one of those silly red and yellow flashing crossroads.
I’m on yellow with priority when mister police bloke comes out from the side road on a scooter. Oblivious to any traffic including me, he turns left onto my side of the road after passing infront of me and continues down the wrong side of the road.
Understandably annoyed I beep and purposely skid to make a noise with my tyres (just to bring the point home). The officer in question turns round and I pull over to have a friendly chat.

This is how it goes:

PO: What?
Me: You just came out of the side road without looking.
PO: They’re not traffic lights.
Me: You don’t have priority. You have to wait to join or cross the road.
PO: The lights are not constant. They’re flashing. I can go.
Me: Yellow flashing means I have right of way. Red means you have to wait for the other traffic.
PO: Yes, but I can go becasue they are not real traffic lights.
Me: You also rode down the wrong side of the road.
PO: But the traffic on the other side was too heavy. I was waiting for a space.
Me: If I was going faster I could have hit you.
PO: You should drive more slowly.
Me: You should look before you pull out of a junction.
PO: I don’t need to look. They are not real traffic lights. I can go.

Of course, this is just the gist of the conversation. My Chinese is not the worlds best but this is by and large an accurate account of what was said.


[quote=“retardcop”]The lights are not constant. They’re flashing. I can go.[/quote]Classic. He must figure that when the light is red he has to stop, and when it goes off again he can go. :notworthy:

There are a couple of scooter cops that often visit my 'hood, stopping for some tea and karaoke at a local wholesaler of Chinese medicine. Probably just collecting some hongbao. They always weave away via a narrow one-way street, the wrong way, usually without any lights on. I hope a blue truck crushes them, and I’m there to see it.

Ah yes, this worthless sack of shit.

Any news what this clown is up to these days?

After a police officer robbed me in my own home, I lost all faith in Taiwan’s police.

Connections, threats of getting Apple Daily/Chinese media, my quasi-embassy involved, and a few well-placed complaints got my stuff back, plus a 1AM visit from the police officer’s two friends (oddly, out of uniform) trying to convince me I’d misunderstood what happened. Apparently, the guy got demoted.

I got mountains of fruit, my Rolex watch back and all the chief’s cell numbers.

What a weird little place Taiwan is.

The injuries weren’t serious, just a bruised knee and scrapes on the hands. It just got me thinking that even as a local we had to resort to threats for them to finally get their act together, it must be hell for a foreigner with a limited capacity in Chinese to even get anything done if you need the help of the local police.

Ah yes, this worthless sack of shit.

Any news what this clown is up to these days?[/quote]

Ahhh, give the guy a break. Shit, if I drank…I would have probably been on the news long before him. I know what he did was stupid and hurt foreigner local relations but everyone gets frustrated and sometimes people break down. The fact that he was getting so frustrated at the lack of police’s …says something good about him.

My dad used to drive a bus…one day he got so frustrated by someone in their car that had blocked him in and refused to move that he crashed into their car pushed it a block down the street…he could have gotten into a lot of shit…but luckily the guy in the car was a known lowlife…and my dad was friends with the cops that showed up…(he used to be a cop too)…doesn’t make him a moron for losing his cool…just makes him someone with bad temper control.

I remember another bus driver that lost it…and pushed the gas down and let go of the steering wheel…he drove about two blocks like that…my dad took me to the road and showed me all the damage it did…never made it onto the news though…sometimes people just lose it.

Ah yes, this worthless sack of shit.

Any news what this clown is up to these days?[/quote]

He isn’t worthless, but he does have a problem with telling the complete story, or so it would seem. copernican.org/beating.htm

Why doesn’t he tell everyone that he assaulted an officer first?
I signed his guest book with a comment about that. Not that it will do any good.