Policing in America

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DA Gascon is telling him and every other thug in LA County that it doesnā€™t matter if you try to murder people.



Or steal other peopleā€™s property, or run them over and try to drive off.


Has Forumosa.corp made a formal complaint to the DAā€™s office?

Sā€™not like weā€™re lousy with lawyers and such. :whistle:

More rhetorical violence?

Cops rob people with the force of law too.

Look up ā€œcivil asset forfeitureā€

The standard to do it is so low (mere suspicion is all that is required) that they could simply rob people at will, at a low enough amount that it isnā€™t worth suing to get it back.

Went to the well once too often.

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Itā€™s a 16 yr old, traffic ā€œaccidentā€. Not surprising. If he didnā€™t run, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if there was no charges.

Stormy Daniels?

So who else of interest are you not spreading rumors about? :smiley:

Sheā€™s in need of new representation these days.

Of interest to whom? :neutral_face:


I think the tipsy Mr. Pelosi will do. I donā€™t have a wish list of people I feel karma should smack down. People usually get what they deserve, in one fashion of another.

Iā€™m confused.

Iā€™m not an investigator on this case. Are you expecting ME to solve it? I think the lack of a follow up report from the press says lots.

Why you being so coy? You were clearly saying more with the rumors comment and the little whistling emojiā€¦ Itā€™s ok if you wanted to make s little comment about Nancy (or whoeverā€¦)

You think too much.

Another weekend, another murder in Albany.


And this, which will probably become more the norm.

Done. Good.

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