[Poll] How Long Will DJ Trump Stay in Office?

Also the debt and the fixing middle east parts.

One more year left, he can still prove me 100% correct and guarantee me a career as professional online pundit.

Bad stuff?

Damn, I picked one termā€¦

He will live in peopleā€™s heads for the rest of their lives. First as POTUS, then as PTSD.


back to the original question from the OP, it looks like a guess of ā€œa few more months?ā€ā€¦

Maybe we should wait until Januaryā€¦ but what the heck.

37% of voters here got it right.

I am not among them, thought he would out-fumble himself before the third year started.

Whatever the Biden term brings, I am just glad that the whole political drama over there is going to cool down a little bit. Well, hopefully.

So how long will Biden be in office?

Most likely one term too, right?


Iā€™m not among those that got it right either, I had two terms. Unless something comes of Trumps lawsuits, which seem to be extremely long odds, Biden will be in on 20th of January (date off the top of my head).

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He will fly to Moscow before January and never come back!

I was actually correct on my prediction for 1 term!

Mike Pompeo would disagree with you.

Pompeo will always be a friend of Taiwan. But I see Trumps chances as slim to none now. Probably the case since he was elected with the media machine against him.

I think my ā€˜less than 2 yearsā€™ vote was more wishful thinking than anything, but I was definitely wrong about how willing the GOP would embrace Trumpā€¦

1 term, maybe shorter depending on health.

Iā€™d say itā€™s a 70% chance he makes it to the end of his first term. Heā€™ll be 82 and trying to run a country to boot; thatā€™s not easy.

Biden could barely function with long rest periods in his basement between sporadic public appearances. The presidential pressure cooker turns young men into old men in a few years. It will turn an old man like Biden into a corpse before his time.

Over the weekend, the worldā€™s sorest loser actually discussed with Michael Flynn and others the possibility of declaring martial law. We know trump wants to be dictator for life, as do his cult followers. 29 days to go.

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Imagine how compelling the footage would be if you could get cameras on Thrump at the moment. It would make for captivating TV. Shakespeare meets Daffy Duck meets, I donā€™t know, fill in the blank.

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The Simpsons?


Definitely by January 21st he will be out!
If not, it s no longer an office, but a throne.
King Trump the first, my dear leader I will follow you.
The evangelicals are all lined up behind this/him already.