Pomelos everywhere, why and how? Recipe anyone?

I’ve tried Spirytus (96%) straight, but just a little. It sucks, essentially immediately, all of the water out of the cells of your mouth by osmosis, such that you then have a mouthful of lukewarm alcohol diluted by your own cheek cell water.

It’s an odd feeling.

Everyone has their preference. But I eat pomelo for the same reason I eat dragon fruit. mouth feel. meaning the texture of the meat. if we compared pomelos texture to fish and snail eggs, I bet those same people can get behind them more.

Not for everyone because pomelo doesnt lend well to drenching it in powders and sauces. but it is possible, not even that difficult :wink: Just commercially not so. its marketing advantage is clearly shelf life and ease of growing.

Pomelo revival!

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Sort of like zucchinis in Canada/US.
Had a friend who retired to Florida, and the house he bought had an orange tree. “You can give them to all your friends”, said the real estate agent. Then orange season hit…

I like pomelos, but once people hear this I’m inundated with them and can’t possibly eat them all. They don’t seem to be used much except for eating raw. I’ve found a few items: Pomelo tea, bread, and soda. I just found this today at PX Mart…

I might try this recipe once they start rolling in for Mid-Autumn Festival…



What about the inevitable farting?

I haven’t noticed a problem, but I’ll be on the lookout for that this pomelo season :sideeye:

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I did think earlier in the year about trying to make a pomelo/ghost pepper hot sauce (not sure how well that would work), might give it a try!

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Pomelo curry. That’s a challenge, by the way.

I was served a fruit vindaloo once which was delicious.

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Doesn’t it end up being too bitter? That’s what I was worried about with the hot sauce (I’ve made fruit ones before, but never something like pomelo).

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As always with curry, you could just knock up a sauce and throw chunks of pomelo in at the last minute. It would probably work.

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Pomelo tea is a common one, how about jam?
Fermented pomelo alcohol?

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Marmalade :wink:

Ah yes, forgot about that one

Bitterness comes from the rind or the skinny translucent membranes. Need to remove those parts then remaining fruit flesh is nice

I guess the juice would be similar to grape, so worth a try at fermenting wine

I can tell you that eating a whole one with the internal skin still on the segments, as you would an orange, is a recipe for Gastric Disaster.

Wasnt that a band, in, like, the 80’s?


Almost certainly at least full of natural pesticides, though there’s nothing necessarily benign about natural, as any hippy surfer who’s had a leg lopped by a Great White could attest, perhaps testily.

You see the skins laid out to dry sometimes. I THINK they can be burned as a mosquito repellent, though I’ve never tried to do it. Probably gives you lung cancer but might avoid Dengue fever, and you have to breathe Taiwan air anyway.

I wish I understood how to buy a good pomelo. I’ve had amazing ones here, but the last few years I’ve purchased nothing but flavorless crap.

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I’ve seen similar giant things around, but unfortunately I can’t remember ever trying one. Time to remedy that, if you or anyone else on here has any leads (in Taipei)? Apparently in Japan they’re called Banpeiyu (晩白柚). A google search on that term brought up just 白柚, which then returned 25 times the number of results, so maybe that’s the common name?