Seems like no big deal to me.
For the most part, if people want to make money in porn films, they will, just as they can as a stripper or selling drugs or engaging in prostitution. Apparently, that person may not have taken the healthiest, happiest path in life and it seems likely it was others who helped put them on that path early on, perhaps an abusive father/spouse/partner, perhaps alcoholism or drug abuse in the family, perhaps rape/molestation as a child. It seems something must have gone wrong (though not necessarily; I recognize the possibility that porn stars are healthy and happy). But just because that’s not the path I would want my daughter to aspire to, doesn’t mean I oppose grown adults (or 18 year-olds anyway) from earning cash in that way. We all make good choices and bad choices in life, but that’s just how the game works and I’m opposed to 3d parties imposing a morality code that dictates what others may do.
Does porn lead to more rape or violence? It’s my understanding there is no compelling evidence of that. If there were, that might be a legitimate reason to consider restricting it, but there’s not.
Does porn cause men to see women as nothing more than a piece of meat? Perhaps in some boneheads who are already socially inept and have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy, but one could say the same about lots of mainstream movies, entertainment, advertising, etc. So what? Should we ban or restrict all forms of discourse that could possibly be misconstrued by incompetents and could lead them to have demeaning views of others (the offense is in their brains; we’re not talking about harmful acts they’ve committed) and take away the liberties of everyone else? I think not.
Can porn desensitize men so they get less pleasure from their own real-life partners? Perhaps, same as drugs, alcohol, compulsive gambling, or working long hours in the office. That’s their business. If someone has trouble controlling his impulses and it adversely affects his personal life, he should learn to control it. Certainly no reason to call in the church police nannies.
What else is there? Minors in porn? That’s already illegal and should definitely be enforced. Dangerous diseases for porn stars? I understand they’re tested regularly or required to wear condoms, which is good. Crude, wham-bam-no foreplay no drama? So what; if one finds it unsatisfying entertainment one needn’t watch it. But if one does want to make a few bucks getting anally penetrated or cummed all over onscreen or one enjoys watching that, I don’t see why it should be anyone else’s business. Personal subjective morality is NOT a legitimate reason for making arbitrary laws restricting the rights of others who don’t share the same views when there is no evidence of any actual harm done.