i’d like to coin a new medical condition…the post Chinese New Year/Land of Smiles syndrome…you know the feeling; 8 fabulous days in Thailand (or Bali or Phillipines etc.) and you come back here but you’ve left your heart (substitute other organs if necessary) in some exotic location…all you can do is look at the calendar and plan your next escape…sigh
one day i’ll just bite the bullet and move over there…free-lance editing sipping maitai’s on the banks of the mighty mekong…
[quote=“the bear”]i’d like to coin a new medical condition…the post Chinese New Year/Land of Smiles syndrome…you know the feeling; 8 fabulous days in Thailand (or Bali or Phillipines etc.) and you come back here but you’ve left your heart (substitute other organs if necessary) in some exotic location…all you can do is look at the calendar and plan your next escape…sigh
one day i’ll just bite the bullet and move over there…free-lance editing sipping maitai’s on the banks of the mighty mekong…[/quote]
and then you can “escape” to taiwan???
[quote=“tommy525”][quote=“the bear”]i’d like to coin a new medical condition…the post Chinese New Year/Land of Smiles syndrome…you know the feeling; 8 fabulous days in Thailand (or Bali or Phillipines etc.) and you come back here but you’ve left your heart (substitute other organs if necessary) in some exotic location…all you can do is look at the calendar and plan your next escape…sigh
one day i’ll just bite the bullet and move over there…free-lance editing sipping maitai’s on the banks of the mighty mekong…[/quote]
and then you can “escape” to Taiwan???
yes yes i get it…grass, greener…
somehow tho’ the mighty tamsui doesn’t quite have the same cachet…
Well I’ve just booked to go back to rathe prophetically named Land of Smiles tomorrow. I was there over the four day piddly HK Chinese New year hols on a last minute, and indeed the weekend before that. Great, eh?
Well maybe not. While I was down there last time I got my teeth checked out for a bundle of work. Today one of the problem bastards decided to throw up a freaking abscess, so I’m crippled by pain. I then found out I have four days annual leave I have to take before they steal them off me at the end of the month. So back I go for a week of white knuckle dentist chairing.
Fortunately Ms Huang and the Thai Princess will be there too. Well not for the three root canals and two caps for the price of less than one here in HK including airfare.
The only upside is that I negotiated a deal with the dentist. I won’t bite off his hand, or indeed even a finger, as long as he keeps pumping in the valium and whatever other pleasant distraction he can offer from the top shelf of his pharmacy cupboard. Drooling zombie walking!
Is it safe?

Fuck dentists, they’re the lowest form of life on the planet. Pygmies don’t see fucking dentists, and their teeth look alright. The only near saving grace about dentists is that they have a very high suicide rate. While I’d like to think this is their conscience kicking in over the brutal and costly fraud they’ve pulled on humanity, I suspect it’s simply that they no longer get the same buzz out of fleecing and terrifying people. Somewhere in this thinking is why I’ve let this damned tooth get as bad as it has.
Be careful what you wish for.
[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Well I’ve just booked to go back to rathe prophetically named Land of Smiles tomorrow. I was there over the four day piddly HK Chinese New year hols on a last minute, and indeed the weekend before that. Great, eh?
Well maybe not. While I was down there last time I got my teeth checked out for a bundle of work. Today one of the problem bastards decided to throw up a freaking abscess, so I’m crippled by pain. I then found out I have four days annual leave I have to take before they steal them off me at the end of the month. So back I go for a week of white knuckle dentist chairing.
Fortunately Ms Huang and the Thai Princess will be there too. Well not for the three root canals and two caps for the price of less than one here in HK including airfare.
The only upside is that I negotiated a deal with the dentist. I won’t bite off his hand, or indeed even a finger, as long as he keeps pumping in the valium and whatever other pleasant distraction he can offer from the top shelf of his pharmacy cupboard. Drooling zombie walking!
Is it safe?

Fuck dentists, they’re the lowest form of life on the planet. Pygmies don’t see fucking dentists, and their teeth look alright. The only near saving grace about dentists is that they have a very high suicide rate. While I’d like to think this is their conscience kicking in over the brutal and costly fraud they’ve pulled on humanity, I suspect it’s simply that they no longer get the same buzz out of fleecing and terrifying people. Somewhere in this thinking is why I’ve let this damned tooth get as bad as it has.
Be careful what you wish for.
i hear you bro’ …i havent been to a dentist since some quack in shilin did a root canal and bridge on me some 11 years ago…complete agony and refused to up the anaesthetic since i was at the legal limit…
said tooth later broke whilst i was in vang vieng…but i am now too traumatised to step inside the house of pain so ive gone 8 years with 1 (now 2) molars missing…
despite all warnings to the contrary about misshapen face and other hideous ramifications etc. it hasnt really been a problem…
theBear, third time was a charm for me on finding a good dentist here, but the first 2 did some damage. There are competent dentists. Ask around or contact me.
Mods. Suggest splitting some of the dentist stuff to Health & dentistry.
I zoomed into Bangkok last Friday night and in the dentist chair midday the next day. One painful and fucked up molar was dispatched and another copped a root canal and temporary filling/cap. A root canal on a front tooth was targeted for the following Saturday and no work could be done on the rest in the week to come so . . BAM! On a train to Chumphon last Saturday night and mulling things over, so to speak, in Koh Tao by midday the following day.
Flew back from Samui this arvo and back for round two. All absolutely painless and the relief and improvement from two times two hour chair sits is unbelievable.
Just do it, bear. PM me if you want more details, including suggested clinics, prices, etc. By the way, I got my man to throw in a script of valium. Yes, I hate dentists that much . . . but I may be coming around after these two treatments.