Post-covid syndrome (Long COVID)

Yes, the tests were done on average 9,6 months after infection and there are no measurable effects on cognitive function long term.

Relative brain volume, prevalence of cerebral microbleeds, and infarct residuals were si-
milar, while the mean cortical thickness was higher in post-SARS-CoV-2 cases. Cognitive function was not impaired.


Some suffer for a long time. Concerning is that not all doctors take it seriously.

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I’m surprised a doctor hadn’t heard of long Covid, even last May.

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Bizarre and serious symptoms, but I’m far from convinced that it was covid that caused it. How would it continue to deteriorate with such a broad range of symptoms?
Where’s the evidence?

Honestly speaking it looks like somebody who was being poisoned slowly. Drinking secretly or what …I don’t know. Can check the liver and for alcohol abuse biomarkers .

Should keep an open mind I guess but with no dertails at all it’s hard to believe. Not even a symptomatic infection.


I looked into how coronavirus replicates. It does it in two ways. One it infects cells and they just burst out a load of new virus particles. Two it jnfects them and they join together into a super cell mass called a syncythia.

I don’t know how common this is for viral infections but it could be causing some of the symptoms reported in long covid. Just a guess.


Long Covid and obesity:

Association between Long COVID and Overweight/Obesity

Some significant developments at Oxford University to figure out how to help folks suffering from a key long COVID symptom—persistent shortness of breath—which is absolutely not limited to people with obesity alone.



Medium-length Vox piece, focusing on possible cause of long COVID, with a bit about possible treatments towards the end:


Only time will tell how many are affected. But the numbers are rising.

Finnish expert panel’s summary of more than 4,000 international studies which showed one in two adults and around 2% of children may experience prolonged symptoms connected to COVID-19.

There is a threat that Finland will see the emergence of the largest, or one of the largest, new groups of chronic diseases, and that not only too many adults will suffer from a long-term COVID-19, but at worst also children.

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Could overwhelm health systems for ever. Very scary

Mild covid still affects health of children.

Asymptomatic children and those with mild symptoms of COVID-19 showed mainly peribronchial thickening, ground-glass opacities and pulmonary vascular engorgement on radiographs. Ground-glass opacity and consolidation were more common in children who required intensive care admission or died.

Increase in type I diabetes and inflammatory bowel diseases

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I’d like to see the stats after Omicron spread which is obviouslly clinically less dangerous.
Omicron vs the others in terms of long covid.

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Are there many other diseases where you have minimal to no symptoms and still have a higher chance of dying from a heart attack down the road?

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Well, that’ll be nice. I guess they can report back when they’ve invented a magic wand that achieves that.

Metabolic syndrome, although it’s not strictly a disease. Just plain old idleness increases your risk of heart disease by a lot more than the RRs quoted in that paper.

But yeah, it’s funny how - out of all the various respiratory diseases that cause no lasting harm - COVID is apparently uniquely dangerous. That’s an incredibly dense paper - I’ll try to go through it properly.

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I’ve seen very similar “myriad complications” here and here.

I guess what they mean is “Don’t let 'er rip”.

I, too, hope that Omicron is our saviour and the way to go endemic. Meaning: Low risk of serious complications, and low risk for serious long term issues. But unfortunately the second part seems not sure at all yet.

Omicron rose in December, right? So if it behaves like previous versions (as far as I understood around 3 months later), the first Omicron long COVID info could start to become available soon.

In the meanwhile I am flabbergasted why anyone would at this point in time simply assume that long COVID will not significantly happen with Omicron, that other versions are not happening, and thus it’s…

  • just a flu/cold
  • fine to remove prevention measures
  • smartest to just let 'er rip

Hopefully my understanding is just plain wrong and those people/countries that opt to stop worrying and learn to love the virus do know what they’re doing. (eg. they have good reason to believe that it will not cause unexpectedly severe long term health issues in the broad population).

Will watch this thread for the updates from science.


I read that slightly differently. It seems to me they’re proposing a desirable path that simply does not exist - which is … I dunno, rather childish. You can’t just wish for stuff and pretend that the wishing will make it happen. There is no plausible method by which you might “minimize infection”, except by making sure people are healthy and resilient.

(a) Because it is structurally similar to other coronaviruses that don’t cause “long COVID” and
(b) Almost by definition, it’s hard to know exactly how much of a problem “long COVID” actually is … because it hasn’t been around long.

Not to mention the fact (as above) that there’s really nothing you can do about the situation anyway. People are going to get omicron, and that’s all there is to it. In addition, they’re going to be affected by it worse than they might otherwise have done because they have been subjected to two years of stress and counterproductive public health measures (such as being told to sit at home, vegetating) but there’s nothing we can do about that either.

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