is it possible to get files like powerpoint to be hosted in the way we host pictures at photobucket style websites?
i would like to embed some PPS on a thread,is that doable?
is it possible to get files like powerpoint to be hosted in the way we host pictures at photobucket style websites?
i would like to embed some PPS on a thread,is that doable?[/quote]
What I have done with shorter clips was to save all my powerpoint slides as jpg pictures and then upload them to moviemaker. It’s slow, but it works. This is an example:
i37.photobucket.com/albums/e68/n … lip2-1.jpg
You’re probably aware that other types of documents can now be uploaded to google. Word and Excel only, unfortunately.
nice trick AAF but if there’s a lot of reading to be done on the pages of the PPS,this won’t work unless we keep clicking the pause button.
Yes, that’s why I said it could be done that way for short clips. However, if there is a lot of reading to be done, the sections that need more time can be slowed down using the function circled in the following screenshot on movie maker:
i37.photobucket.com/albums/e68/n … lip2-1.jpg
I would like to to show how to make your own moving avatar please.
Sorry about that. I posted the wrong link.