President Chen Shuibian shot: Breaking News!

most probably a gangster who was paid to do it.

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]The mainlanders in my office reckon Chen organised it himself!

Ha ha!

More like a nutty old egg tosser from yore. Sad day for Taiwan’s democracy regardless.

Not heard what happened to the shooter?


They are saying that they didn’t even know that it was a gunshot at first because of all the firecrackers that were going off. Based on what I heard at a Chen rally a couple of weeks ago here in Taichung, I believe it!

He was definately shot. No doubt about it!

He’s not in critical condition cos he was wearing bullet proof chest thing.

By the way, the presidential spokesman said that the bullet had been found.

This incident is tragic in so many ways.

As pro-Green as I am, I fear that if Chen is swept into office on the sympathy vote some in the pan-Blue will forever challenge the legitimacy of the results.

NOW the world will get the message loud and clear! Thankfully, no one was killed.

Case in point. The really tragic part is, I doubt they were joking.

[quote=“SCL”]By the way, the presidential spokesman said that the bullet had been found.

This incident is tragic in so many ways.

As pro-Green as I am, I fear that if Chen is swept into office on the sympathy vote some in the pan-Blue will forever challenge the legitimacy of the results.[/quote]

Let the Pan Blue complain!! They will have reaped what they sow!

The first comment I got about it from a pro-KMT colleague is that it was probably arranged by the green camp to win sympathy. She’s almost trembling with fear at the thought of him being re-elected.

No quite right, they were serious and I’m quite sure that my attempts to widen the black hole in their notions on Taiwan reality failed dismally.


F*#K the Pan-blue and F#*K China!

Any idiot who beleives that Taiwan and China are one and the same entitiy is a complete idiot.

And anyone who seriously wants the KMT to return to power and set about selling Taiwan, street by steet, alley by alley to China quite obviously has nada knowlwedge of where they are presently residing.

Let us hope that Chen is victorious and the Lien and Soong F#*k off to live in their expensive houses, bought with the tax payers money, in the US of A!

Typical KMT reaction, isn’t it. However, I think much of the 15 percent who were undecided and the 20% what could be considered soft KMT support will now swing over to President Chen!

Emotions will be running dangerously high. There could well be trouble on the streets tonight.

there’ll be dancing in the streets of taipei tomorrow nite then…shame if it should take something like this to happen to convince people of the bleeding obvious…

And I have to go to work tonight. I think I am going to pass up the exercise I usually get on my bicycle and drive the car!

The KMT has a long history of murdering it’s opponents. And getting away with it even after being caught red-handed. And Soong and Lien should know since they were both in power when many of the murders took place.

i’m not getting much info over here in the states. just saw a blurb about the shooting. can anyone provide any more details?

I was shocked by my wife’s first reaction. Although her family’s from southern Taiwan, her father (understandably) hates all politicians and she dislikes Chen (mostly she’s afraid in typical timid taiwanese fashion that he’ll make trouble with China).

So when I called her she immediately blurted out, “The KMT didn’t do it.” I was shocked. The thought hadn’t even occurred to me. I was just sickened that some crazy bastard wanted to circumvent the democratic process through murder. But her first instincts involved a(nother) nasty KMT hit job. Hmmm, maybe she’s on to something. Crazy to live in such a land.

yesh well we already know about mrs a-bian…think the dpp needs to beef up security going forward…

Abian shot in the stomach???

This is fucking unbelievable!!!

All over the news, all over the web news services…