President Chen Shuibian shot: Breaking News!

On what grounds?? Especially if the police figure out who did it – they’ll be able to determine where the shooter’s sympathies lie, which will tell whether it was a PRC assassination attempt, a KMT nutcase, or a DPP sympathy ploy.

Details?? A little information on the type of weapon would point toward the type of attack.

Damn good thing! Did the bullet penetrate the vest, or were his injuries the “blunt trauma” sort (in absorbing the impact, a vest pushes back quite a ways – skin abrasions and bruising, possibly broken ribs or internal organ injuries too).

So someone thinks it’s the KMT? In that case they are more stupid than I thought. First of all, it will not be kept a secret if it’s been organized by the blue camp (which I btw find capable of anything), secondly, it will swing the sympathy vote, third of all, it would land the KMT top in jail or in front of a firing squad.

Rejoyce as this will wrap it up, and hope that they find the failed assasin on sunday.

Interesting how the learned behaviour of the not so distant past returns in a crisis.

I read that a “security force” has been sent to protect Lien. That should offer some neeat contrasting television images. Chen sitting up in bed all smile and Lien bunkered down surrounded by fidgety troops.

Come on Taiwan, a calm night please! Let’s all wake up tomorrrow and oust the wife beater and that repulsive slug of a former governor to the history book they keep crawling out of.



Damn good thing! Did the bullet penetrate the vest, or were his injuries the “blunt trauma” sort (in absorbing the impact, a vest pushes back quite a ways – skin abrasions and bruising, possibly broken ribs or internal organ injuries too).[/quote]

I don’t know now, one of the report says they were not wearing life vest.

Can I change my wager?

Yes, indeed!

[quote=“Mr He”]So someone thinks it’s the KMT? In that case they are more stupid than I thought. First of all, it will not be kept a secret if it’s been organized by the blue camp (which I btw find capable of anything), secondly, it will swing the sympathy vote, third of all, it would land the KMT top in jail or in front of a firing squad.

Rejoyce as this will wrap it up, and hope that they find the failed assasin on sunday.[/quote]

Someone needs to tell the KMT that the days of their unchallenged right to off anyone they want are over.

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Come on Taiwan, a calm night please! Let’s all wake up tomorrrow and oust the wife beater and that repulsive slug of a former governor to the history book they keep crawling out of.


I second that!

Damn having to stay in the office. I want to get home to watch events on TV.

Lets discuss the possibilities:

:: KMT organised
:: China spy
:: Mafia
:: General lunatic
:: Others?

Who would stand the reap the most with A-Bian out of the way?

[quote]I think if it was an assination attempt by the PRC or KMT, they wouldn’t have failed. It’s just some nutter.
You have to take into account that this is Taiwan where half assed is the the status quo.
I am surprised they hit the target at all. Guess they coulnd’t get a taxi in there close enough for a hit and run.

On what grounds?? Especially if the police figure out who did it – they’ll be able to determine where the shooter’s sympathies lie, which will tell whether it was a PRC assassination attempt, a KMT nutcase, or a DPP sympathy ploy.[/quote]

Politics is more about faith than facts – just look at this board! Especially in a place like Taiwan where the voters are so polarized.

Details?? A little information on the type of weapon would point toward the type of attack.[/quote]

The presidential spokesman Chiu said a bullet had been recovered from Chen’s stomach. Someone else (a reporter? – don’t remember) said a bullet shell (or whatever they’re called – sorry, not an NRA member) was found near the car.

I’m in the office too and the damned office is in HK!


My money is on general lunatic . . . as long as that’s not supposed to be a couple G and L.


[/quote] Guess they coulnd’t get a taxi in there close enough for a hit and run.[/quote]

What a retarded thing to say

Will Soong get on his knees again, shed tears, and beg the people not to resort to violence, in a bid to distract sympathetic attention from Chen and Lu?

I’m in the office too and the damned office is in HK!


My money is on general lunatic . . . as long as that’s not supposed to be a couple G and L.


Might be safer there than here in Taiwan for the next 48 hours. I am sure things will be fine, but there is always that little voice in my mind that tells me what the worst case scenario is.

i hardly think anyones suggesting it’s a KMT top brass direct order…“get a-bian”…but as we all know the kmt’s connections run deep (bamboo union et al)…so it’s more likely to be some shadowy hard-core type person taking matters into their own hands…(yes i know all very conspiracy theory type surmising)

What a retarded thing to say[/quote]
Exactly. The KMT favours the blue truck for this type of work. Just ask Wu Shu-chen.

What a retarded thing to say[/quote]
Look at the first lady.
Was it a blue truck?
I must have been thinking of the DPP women’s rights advocate in Kaosiung a few years back.

Current reports are that no one was arrested at the scene.

So surely it couldn’t have been someone on the ground, or he must have been seen and grabbed or chased by the people around him.