Presidential debates 2020

Took longer than expected…


What. A. Clown.

Shut. Up. Dude.

Jesus he is such a child. Spoiled rich kid who can’t take responsibility for anything and has no idea how to listen. Come on America, get this asshole off the stage in November.

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What a shit show.


I’m already into 2 beers. You all should chill and drink (unless driving or at work). You’ll enjoy the debate more.


That’s the world we live in

“Frankly, you’ve been doing more interrupting than he has.”

Wallace LOL.

It’s 10am. That’s some serious day drinking.

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I’m not an office worker, ha ha. I can only handle dumb debates with beer.

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Trump: “True!” :kiss:

The fake sincerity in Biden’s voice when he began taking about race is very evident.

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When Biden looks in the distance, he’s repeating his rehearsed lines. Maybe he practiced with a prompter?


That’s one advantage Trump has. We already knows he doesn’t give a crap about anyone. He just tries to do what is good for us because it makes him look better. I’m OK with that.

It’s good that you agree with yourself.

Wow…Joe just called him a racist. I recall when you couldn’t say someone was a liar.

Man, Biden is just incredibly coherent. Breath of fresh air.

Where is that senile basement-dweller that was so hyped up?

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I think Biden should now point out that Trump believes in weird conspiracy theories from dodgy sources?

I recall when you couldn’t repeatedly interrupt someone during a presidential debate without people writing you off as a mentally ill lunatic. Times change.


Biden good one: “he doesn’t know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn”
see, beer helps find the humor in the banter

Just noticed I that, lol. I was in another thread when I replied.

That means I’m consistent at least. :+1:

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That was good one:
Trump: “C’mon we have time. Name one law enforcement agency that supports you”.
Biden: [crickets chirping]