Pro Tip: Best thing ever for insomnia and anxiety

@Rockefeller I guess you don’t live in Taiwan?

Not really, just telling you that cannabinoids are illegal because it’s based on their shared chemical structure. You don’t want to take illegal drugs or receive shipments of illegal drugs in Taiwan . They can and do test for everything .

Your generic cannabis containing thc might be. Idk about cbd :thinking:


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For real? Can you cite a source? Asking for curiosity purposes :upside_down_face:

Here is why. THC and CBD are practically the same molecule chemically speaking . Just one atom different.

“CBD vs THC: The Difference Explained” by Aaron Cadena

There are hundreds of cannabinoids, some of them really really nasty. Almost all countries in Asia have banned cannabinoids use. Thailand and Korea might have some medical use prescribed.

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Very well aware of the differences and similarities between the two. Asking about practical screening and testing of shipments/goods on the Formosa

I don’t care if you are aware, most are not.

Ok…? What’s up with the sass, are you a narc or some sh*t. Weird

You are a typical self obsessed millennial.

I am writing for others in this thread as well.

You are confusing other posters especially as you didn’t make it clear you are in the US.

If you import or ingest CBD in Taiwan you could be jailed, fined or deported.

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No slowing the pops of this firecracker, eh?

If you say so. :call_me_hand:


Anti histamine tablets can help to knock you out. Probably not as as good as CBD, but they aren’t illegal and available over the counter.

psilocybin mushroom time to time, should be easy to pick up in Taiwan with this wheater, just need to find the shit cow, yang ming shan maybe, I will check more in summer. I hate cannabis(get me so much anxiety) but never try only CBD.

It is really dangerous to be promoting a product without knowing the impact on the people here if they got caught. You might think that you are being “helpful” but it is really, really irresponsible and I assume that’s what @Brianjones has taken umbrage with.

They really do search everything - I was send a CD in a cardboard sleeve and that was opened, played and then put in a “Cleared by customs” special envelope. I had a credit card sent to me and I had to go to the customs office and do a bunch of stuff to prove I wasn’t money laundering.

Your profile may say you are in the US but the tone of your post makes it sound like you know what you are talking about - I rarely look at peoples profiles - but this could have really, really damaged someone’s life.

Here’s why I think that’s so over dramatic and makes little to no sense.

To first of all even purchase a product that is—in your choice location—illegal, from a licensed vendor would be impossible. Because said licensed vendor would not exist.

The next step would then be to research why, which would obviously then yield results that inform you that, in your location, it is not currently a legal product.

To then try to illegally obtain that same illegal substance—living in the location you are living in—as a reasonable adult… That’s on you.

(Btw, bonus: the choice of not obtaining the full picture, including just one mere tap to easily see where someone is located… that’s also a choice as an adult where you hold the power to decide whether to do, or not. And further, when someone asked I also did immediately, point blank replied I wasn’t sure about the status, so they’d have to check, and spelled out clearly I was located in a place where these products are perfectly legal and accepted)

On the other hand,

Fair enough. That’s all I was asking.

It’s interesting to note that the link earlier in the thread was to someone selling CBD extract on shopee. Looking at the feedback, Taiwanese were buying it both for themselves and their pets. That product seems no longer available but the seller is still active.

From what I have read it requires a customs import permit to be applied in advance and a prescription from a medical doctor, personal use only.

查到, 你可依〈藥物樣品贈品管理辦法〉辦理CBD相關產品之專案進口供自用,並應檢附申請書、收件人為病人姓名之國際包裹招領單或海關提單、藥物外盒、說明書、仿單或目錄、載明「經核准之藥物樣品絕不出售、轉讓與轉供治療其他病患之用」之切結書、國內醫療院所出具之診斷證明及醫師處方。

衛福部指出,CBD(大麻二酚)不具有精神作用因此並非管制藥品,但考量其具有藥理活性及多種可能的醫療用途,政府仍以藥品管理。大麻含有超過400種化學物質,其主要成份為CBD(大麻二酚) 及THC(四氫大麻酚),雖然服用大麻仍屬違法行為,但大麻中的CBD並非管制藥品,若經萃取後即可合法服用,且其具有非常多可能的醫療用途,如用於治療頑固性癲癇的效果,近年國外臨床試驗中已逐漸被證實。

Trying to import any kind of cannabis related product without such a permit could land you in a world of trouble. Thus can happen with any drug, legal or illegal.

Taiwan FDA are a bit slow to update their guidance on this . They obviously realise CBD is known for therapeutic effects and doesn’t give a high like THC but the problem is it is highly related to other cannabinoids, and synthetic cannabinoids are a big and growing problem around Asia. Needs more cultural awareness in Taiwan.

Also if you imported CBD and it had a certain concentration of these illegal cannabinoids like THC …big trouble. Some of the tests will test positive for any cannabinoids and then you will be investigated further to see what it is you are importing or have been using exactly. They might arrest you, take a blood hair sample etc, search your house, look through your phones and your mail…
Would people enjoy being investigated let alone the risk of prosecution ?

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Another statement Jan 2019 regarding using in cosmetics. Answer is no.

@Rockefeller apparently it’s legal in Italy. I was told it’s also good for physical pain as well if smoked and taken orally. And also can help localized pain by rubbing the oil on the areas you need pain relief. I’ll be giving it a try

One of my clients uses CBD to fight off migraines although according to him, you need to be careful about what you buy since what’s on the label often isn’t what’s in the product.

Exactly…You don’t want thc in there.
You also don’t want some synthetic cannabinoids or other weird shit .