Process for 6 month ARC extension after quitting job

I’m considering quitting my job and applying for a 6 month visa extension to look for a new one (I know it’s not an ideal climate for that). However, I know I need to get something like a “contract termination” letter from my current employer and I’m worried they will be reluctant to give me it, just because they will be annoyed at me for leaving and will want to make it difficult for me.

They might even be extra spiteful and cancel my work permit without giving me my termination letter or they could give it to me really belatedly, just to create problems for me. Does anyone have any idea what would happen in such a scenario? Also, is it legal to do work as an online teacher for an online school whilst in the 6 month extension period?

I’d call to NIA and WDA and ask them what I should do to apply for a 6 month ARC extension, immediately.

I did that awhile back. They do require a contract termination letter. Unless your school is a small crappy one, they should follow the rules if you do. Just check your contract and see what the termination clause is. They also wanted proof that I already had a job that I would apply for a work permit, but I had claimed that as my reason for staying. They might accept looking for work as a reason.
If the school doesn’t do what they should, you can threaten to report them to Labor Affairs.
Also, the 6 month extension costs $2000, but you can get a 2 month extension at no cost. Might want the 6 in this climate.

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  1. Your passport
  2. Work contract from employer
  3. Current ARC
  4. Gov work permit
  5. one arc picture
  6. nt 1000

My reason, “looking for work”, no questions asked.

No contract termination letter was required. But that could be because (a) not a teacher or (2) contract almost up. I don’t know.

My employer called up and checked everything for me before I went in. I’m re signing with them probably in the fall.

This is handled at same desk where ARC’s are applied for. It’s not a visa extension. Any questions about “termination letter” could quickly be answered by asking them, or going in in person.


Good Luck

Article 19 of Labor Standards Act says they should do it, and Article 79 says the penalty when they don’t do it.

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Just be very nice and professional about it. If you act the least bit arrogant, insulting, or threatening, the law be damned and they might get back at you out of spite. Face is more important than business sometimes. Look at the thread on Hello Taipei and what that guy went through. In my experience, and I’ve quit many jobs, if you’re very nice and even praise them a bit, they won’t actively harm you unless they’re just psychopaths.

Thank you, I will do

Sorry for the late reply. Just to be clear, I haven’t actually quit my job yet. I’m trying to get an understanding of exactly what to do if/when I do and what to do if my boss isn’t helpful (and she generally isn’t most of the time).

My plan is to quit and then take my time to find a better job so I wouldn’t have a job lined up. I’m assuming you don’t need one or why would they give you the option of six months? I was also planning on doing online teaching whilst I’m looking but I suspect that might be illegal.

You’re right about being nice and professional, although I have always tried that with her already with other issues and it doesn’t seem to help. I suppose being openly threatening or insulting could make things much worse. Anyway, I will call and ask on Monday.

Thanks for the input. So I guess there is a window of time between when I officially quit (when I am presumably also given my Contract Termination Letter) and when my ARC would be cancelled. And I would need to apply for the extension then. Cool. Doesn’t seem too hard.

I too am wondering this.