Produce Your Own Manna

Nourish Your Physical Body
Produce Your Own Manna

Your Manna is an energy that you produce uniquely for the needs of your own physical being and more.

This program serves to re-activate your ability to produce your own Manna.

Producing your own Manna serves:

• to nourish your body, supplying your body with the vitality that most of the food that is nowadays produced on earth is lacking.
• to give you extra energy when you are feeling drained
• to start changing your relationship with food, and start using food in a more conscious and respectful way towards yourself
• to start bringing more gentleness and love towards yourself into your life
• and more…

The Program
During the 6-day live-in program you will be receiving energy treatments, which reactivate areas of the brain and cellular memory in order to re-establish your ability to produce your own Manna. You will also be initiating the heart to stomach connection, as well as doing meditations that create the energetic spaces for you to start producing your own Manna. After each of these processes you will be spending time in our group circle, taking in the energies you have received, while sharing and connecting to the integrating crystal, which will be transmitting high frequency energies to you throughout the program.

Who Am I?
My name is Boelo Niemeijer. I am from Holland, but have spent most of my adult life in South Africa and Taiwan. I have been a Frequencies of Brilliance practitioner since 2001. Frequencies of Brilliance is an energy work that can help just about anyone who has a wish to heal themselves physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. The Manna program is part of the Frequencies of Brilliance work.


For this workshop (in the week of the Chinese New Year holiday 2009, starting the evening of January 26th, ending the afternoon of Sunday February 1st.) I welcome a small group of participants who don’t mind staying at fairly simple premises.

Contact me for more information:
Boelo Niemeijer
09-72268726, 02-26452081 (call or fax),