Professional wood working tool manufacturers in Taiwan?

Looking for made in Taiwan or at least not made in China wood working tools, bigger sizes.

I work in forestry and we use a sawmill to rip logs. So from that I need a shop to process further, looking for recommendations on decent brands.

For now specifically looking for bandsaw (20" minimum), planer (preferably 30"+) and a few other easier to get things like tablesaw and Sanders.

Size is the issue, most retail show here don’t have much bigger than hobby sized plastic made machines, so looking for manufacturers with more work horse quality products.

Found this one, but never heard of them and look a bit flimsy, but will go to Taichung to check out in person once I get a list of brands and places together.

Love any info.

Pretty sure you’ll find that anyone doing even marginally precise work is tooled up from Europe (Germany) or maybe Nipponese.

True enough, the the work being done is more so large worked down to small where better tools will be finishing. This step isn’t so precise. But foreign distributors in Taiwan would be very welcomed as well! I’m just looking for a source with a resource on the island for when things break.