Project Syndicate is an international association of 181 newspapers in 94 countries, devoted to the following objectives:
bringing distinguished voices from around the world to informed national audiences so as to create a global forum for broadening debate and exchanging ideas;
strengthening the independence of newspapers in postcommunist and developing countries through a variety of training programs;
fostering professional links among member papers.
Most articles translated into six languages.
thanks for the link. An illustrious group of talking heads - I’ll try toremeber to drop by their site every month. It’s a pity you can’t get the articles emailed direct. Apparently they are syndicated to the Taipei Times (circulation 250,000 - that’s twice what the South China Morning Post claims for itself) though.
Ha! Ha Ha!
That is priceless. What a bunch of fucking nimrods. Or maybe they thought that box is where they’re supposed to put what they WISH the circulation could be.
Five times the Bangkok Post. An extra zero perchance ?
A marketing document that crossed my desk not so long ago put the Times circulation at around 30,000, just ahead of the China Post. The Taiwan News was way behind.