Proposed monster dorm at UCSB sparks controversy

Nice way to escape a fire if it’s the virtual you.


How many large buildings have you been in where the windows can open / be easily broken?

Many. Glass breaks, unless it’s bullet proofed or safety (layered) glass. It’s a huge difference having a window to escape or not.

Well, UCSB is in Isla Vista, which is kind of a dump compared to Santa Barbara proper.

These windows will likely be something like 2 panes of relatively thick tempered glass, possibly with a film as well.

That’s safety glass, 2 panes and a plastic film sandwiched. But it breaks if pounded well. And you actually could unseat it from the frame.

You ever been on that campus? It’s sweet. Isla Vista… it’d be kind of sucky to live there as a responsible adult with kids, because of the fucking college kids and being a little college town. Which makes it awesome to live in as a college kid, because it’s a college town with fucking college kids.

Yea, that’s not easily broken. Or unseated from the frame (pretty fucking tough if no defect).

Yeah, and I’m not a fan. I’m from Santa Barbara, which is pretty nice. The Isla Vista/Goleta area is a dump by comparison. And the UCSB campus is full of awful architecture.

Yes, a college town filled with students is considered a relative dump by someone from the city next door where median household prices are over $1M. Ha.

It’s not even nice by college town standards though. And the smell from the lagoon when the wind blows in the wrong direction. :nauseated_face:

Hence no windows. :joy:

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You may be onto something…

Well, that’s because (as you know as you’re from the area) I was being super generous calling it a town - it’s basically just an off campus student housing neighborhood (it’s not many blocks for those who don’t know - gotta be less than a sq mile). Those areas don’t tend to be that fancy. :wink:

Edit: a quick measure in Google maps suggests ~1x0.5mi

I hate to say it but a lot of these buildings will use structural glass. I’m talking the kind that they put on the Taipei 101. Good luck breaking those. They could probably stop a .45 ACP too. There are several reason for this: 1. safety, as in glass shards cut people, and also college students are dumb and often do stupid things, especially after a few drinks. So last thing they want is some student try to run into glass to see if it breaks. Better if it doesn’t. 2. Security, again, if you can’t break the glass you can’t break in. 3. Protect against suicide.

When I was at UT increasingly I am seeing those kind of glass used on windows in newer buildings… like the Students Activity Center… full of those kind of glass.

A report from the Guardian on this controversial project:
