PRP treatments outside Taipei

I am looking for PRP treatments for hair loss as well as ED. But the prices in the Taipei area are ridiculously expensive (for the same cost I can go to Thailand !) A co-worker told me that in Kaohsiung he knows of a Dr who does PRP for the Knee for about NDT 3,000. However, wrong specialty. I need an urologist and a dermatology or plastic surgeon. Can anyone help me find a clinic that works with PRP? I don’t speak Chinese and it has proven impossible for me to simply search. I would appreciate it so much!

Why not? You could combine it with a few fun days in Bangkok and at the beach.

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Tell me more! I did one PRP injection in my knee and it was around 16k. I didn’t continue because of the cost. If it’s safe, I’d consider traveling to KHH! Or BKK haha.

I would be very interested to know this doctor’s name and where to find him.

I was offered PRP treatment in Taoyuan last year for my shoulder and it was 15K per injection. I opted not to do it as another doctor told me that PRP wasn’t legit and I should let him do surgery instead. I also opted not to do the surgery as many people advised me against it. So I live with hurt shoulders but if I could find PRP for a reasonable price (like the 3K your friend told you about, plus I now happen to live in Kaohsiung), I would do it in a heartbeat.

The problem is the inconvenience. I don’t have the time. I did it before during my vacation but it needs to be done regularly for the first 3 months etc…

He said that? The evidence points to the contrary. May he was referring to the fact that it doesn’t always work or more than one injection is needed (usually 2). My mom had it done in her knee twice. But she did it again because there was improvement. There is now an even better choice called exosomes but those are very expensive (for the same outcome.

Come back and tell me if it is true pls

I would also be interested to know the name of this Dr :slight_smile:

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This is all he gave me. It honestly sounds too good to be true but give them a call and please let me know if he tells you of someone else that also does PRP for hairloss and Spine.

I would recomend Thailand. Their prices are half of what costs here. PRP for hairloss, the cheapest here, is 17,000 over there is 10,00BHT about 8,500 ntd However add airplane ticket and hotel so…