Public Hospitals for Physical Examination


Looked over all the info posted here, called the various Ministries, and even consulted my favorite lucky fortune teller. My question is:

Do teachers have to go to a PUBLIC hospital to get their physical?

I called and they said “yes”, but I need to confirm this…after all, this IS a Gong Show.

that was always my impression! never saw the facilities for it at a private hosp.

[quote=“Durins Bane”]Folks,

Looked over all the info posted here, called the various Ministries, and even consulted my favorite lucky fortune teller. My question is:

Do teachers have to go to a PUBLIC hospital to get their physical?

I called and they said “yes”, but I need to confirm this…after all, this IS a Gong Show.[/quote]

You have to go to a hospital that is approved. I am sure that the Ministry could provide a list of approved hospitals to you

I have gone to a private hospital the past five years and it has always worked. We shall see…