Python coding



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If there’s one suggestion I have for people looking to get into coding it’s to find a small project that you’re passionate about and just try to get started.

Surely there must be some financey task that you do that could be automated somehow?

  • Data retrieval / scraping comes to mind – can you have a program that fetches all the data you need to automate generating a report?
  • Probably a little more advanced (though I think many of the AI libraries are getting to the point where you don’t need to understand their inner workings at a deep level) would be some sort of stock market / crypto predictor, along with a way to test it with past data and compare it to how it would have performed (note that afaik this is impossible to actually get “right” and I wouldn’t use it with real money, but could be a fun project)

I actually usually recommend some sort of “visual output” to get people started in programming since it has a more immediate feel of progress (web development comes to mind with html/css/javascript), but if you can feel satisfied with numeric output just pick a project and go for it after you have a few of the basics (which it sounds like you do).

Otherwise you’ll get stuck in “tutorial hell” where the tutorials make sense, but then when trying to start something from scratch the anxiety from that blank blinking cursor causes you to go watch some more tutorials.


I typed pypy and my phone autocorrected to that

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It’s a good idea for a consulting gig. Show teams that are stuck on stacks of inter-linked spreadsheets how to put it all in python. Also show them how to source control it. But it’s a case of the selling the round wheel to people too busy with their square wheel.

The real danger of not getting the job isn’t that the square wheel pushing interviewers couldn’t understand the round wheel, it’s that they get it and realize the round wheel will make them obsolete.

You’ve given up on my would-be consultancy already!

No doubt it would be a hard sell.