
Not as easy as it sounds.




Yes and no.
Sometimes we overthink what is required to be a positive influence.
The people that saved me from an abusive childhood were just normal, responsible adults.
Seeing what a “regular” family looked like and seeing how “normal” people communicated to one another was a game changer.
If we don’t help one another, we’re all fucked.


I see the logic in that.

If you take it to mean be a normal, responsible adult, it makes sense, but I think most people would take it as more like be a person with a specific set of skill/knowledge/resources/personality traits, which might not be nearly as useful for any young person you’re likely to meet because your own life situation was unusual and/or the world has changed so much since then. Just saying. :idunno:

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What!? I’m calling the MP.
-Marco 2019-2020



Who killed the talking genius baby? :thinking:

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If every cigarette you smoke takes seven minutes off your life, every game of Dungeons and Dragons you play delays the loss of your virginity by seven hours.

-Brian Warner

Unless you’re Tom Hanks, in which case it gives you all the :howyoudoin: you want… but then… makes you stop wanting it! :doh:


Classic Satan move, obviously.

You know it’s Hollywood when those guys get chicks :roll:

CBS and P&G aren’t exactly Hollywood, but whatever. Go ahead and be jealous if you want.

Oh crap. I just looked up “tom hanks sexy” thinking I would find something funny to post. It can’t be unseen! :see_no_evil: