Rabies in pet dogs

Does pet dogs in Taiwan have rabies? When was the last time any pet dog was found infected?

Unlikely I’m guessing. Did you get bitten by one? I thought in that situation they test the dog before deciding whether postexposure prophylaxis is necessary.

I don’t think, i was bitten. A small dog suddenly approached me. It may have licked my leg. Although, I did not feel anything. There are no bite marks.

Please don’t worry. Taiwan does have isolated cases of rabies among wildlife in certain regions (ferret badgers in particular) but very few cases among dogs and, someone please correct me if I’m mistaken, no recent cases among domestic/pet dogs. The risk of being infected from a bite from an unvaccinated pet dog in Taiwan is low to begin with, and in your case you were not bitten, but merely licked (rabies isn’t transmitted by licks to the skin unless the skin is broken). So once again, there’s no need to worry.

No. Taiwan does not have rabies. Taiwan has very strict laws about bringing pets into the country.

I believe there was 1 in recent years but that was an isolated case after a long long time of no reported cases.

One of the benefits of being an island nation with strict laws of screening for rabies.

If you get symptoms of rabies you are guaranteed to die.

So seriously I’d get the vaccine as soon as possible if I were you.

That said usually rabid dogs will have very clear symptom, like foaming at the mouth and all that.

But also if a dog bit you, even a small one, you will know it.

Taiwan hasn’t been a rabies free zone since 2013. Since then sampling of wildlife (ferret badgers in particular) has shown many cases of rabies in various parts of Taiwan. For instance, this recently in Pingtung County: 獅子鄉鼬獾驗出狂犬病 屏東動防所加強犬貓疫苗 | 地方 | 中央社 CNA
Or perhaps you were referring specifically to cases of infected dogs?

In any case, the OP has absolutely nothing to worry about from a lick from a pet dog.

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Yeah. I think there was 1 case that happened in the last few years after a long time of no cases. So it’s highly unlikely for the OP to worry. Although it can be a good idea to see a medical doctor.

Someone’s pet dog?
I would not worry.