Racial Tensions in US 2021

I hadn’t seen that bodycam footage nor read up on that case until now. F me. Waking up to shouting and lights in your face when the dude she’s with most likely was rather disliked. She had good instincts considering.

How so? I don’t follow you.

Well there was a body found in her car with unfortunate bullet placement before then. I can imagine she rehearsed this scenario in her mind only it wasn’t the cops she was expecting. Waking up from sleep with a TV blaring in the other room. That’s a lot to process.

Her genius boyfriend at best opened up on people entering the house without knowing who it was with her standing right next to him.

Is that right? I had no idea. Maybe that’s why her name WAS on a previous draft of the warrant.

I’m ashamed to say I did a quick Wiki which lead to this.

I certainly hope all these facts don’t whitewash the troof. :smoker:

Well, Seneca suggests that you will be disappointed if you hope for too much. :wink:

She could pick 'em huh?

Unless it was her, like he said at first. I don’t see why he would have changed his story if so though.

Fact checking the info in this thread:

FACT CHECK: Debunking 8 widely shared rumors in the Breonna Taylor police shooting (msn.com)

Looks suspiciously like the thing @jdsmith already shared…


Courier Journal:


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Whew! I’m glad we’re fact checking this.

Our rating: False
The search warrant for Taylor and her home explicitly identified her and her address. The Louisville police were not there by mistake. They believed that Taylor had ties to Glover, one of the main suspects in the investigation.

Our rating: False
Taylor and Kenneth Walker were in bed when they heard the banging on the apartment door at approximately 12:40 a.m., according to statements Walker made to police.But they got out of bed before police entered, and Taylor died on her hallway floor.

Our rating: False
Neither Taylor nor Kenneth Walker has any drug offenses on their records.
Additionally, though Taylor and Glover once dated, Glover said they were no longer in touch before her death. There is no evidence Glover was living in Taylor’s apartment.

Well, he was in bed with her. How often was he there and how did the lease view overnight guests?

He could be fact checking the family and friends troof he posted. Or he’s waiting for a perceived personal attack so he can send the thread off the rails…which is his normal posting behavior.


No, it looks like the exact same thing published in two places, look at them:

He didn’t read yours before posting his (normal behaviour); the links are different and one is MSN

Some further links:

Let’s focus on Breonna and the actual facts surrounding the actions leading up to her death.

Is it? Have you not heard the word about reposting articles and no legwork? Surely I thought you had heard the word.

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I skimmed through yours, then I skimmed through his, and I thought, wait a minute!

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The start of the dominoes that has lead to your passionate stance is here:

Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994

Work forward from that and use that energy of yours to get to your, dare I say everyone’s, desired results. I guarantee.

I have a feeling we agree on this, but your post is kinda vague. Feel free to elaborate.