Rare Ice Cream Finds

Are you gonna steal it?

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Don’t think it’s Haagen Daaz, which is what the NT$359 label says.


Ahh messed up again by the positioning (or MISPOSITIONING) of the price tags. It’s not the first time for me!


Ah good catch. In any case, selling a whole tub of this trash should be a crime lmao

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I’m going to order two!! I seriously hope they actually have it!!

Btw i know not really “ice cream” but I’ve been looking for vegan ice cream forever


It does say something about what the average Taiwanese consumer is expecting in an ice cream that they have to label it as “not chicken nugget”.

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All the times I’ve glanced at this product in passing and never noticed that the Chinese name is a pun.

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I swear by that!

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I saw the Scottish ice cream brand they have at Costco now selling small single size servings at 711. I think it was called Mackies? Something like that

It’s good.

Is this the international version of Stephen Colbert’s Americone dream?


They’re certainly similar, although I think I’ve also seen Americone Dream available here at Jason’s. Yes, Jason’s - it was a while ago.

Possible differences: fudge versus chocolate covering; and salted caramel versus, um, classic caramel.


Papaya milk ice cream yo.


After enjoying another very nice pizza at Solo last night (this shop is steps from Yuanshan MRT Station in our currently smoking hot capital), I had a refreshing cup of an unconventional gelato: peanut butter sea salt. Yes, I know this flavour may not appeal to purists. It was still delicious. :yum:

Cost: NT$80.



Not rare, can be found many places…
but man does it really hit the spot!
Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie. Soooooo good and sooooo addicting.


I want to try some but so few FamilyMart around me still have a soft serve machine.

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That stuff—with which I made a serious error by picking up a pint at my local Carrefour—should be treated as a dangerous Class A drug. Buyers beware!



Another new Family Mart ice cream flavor:

You know I quite like some of the classic Family Mart ice cream flavours especially the chocolate and tea ones. But the fruit “flavours” (such as they are) always hit me wrong, like a US$3 bill . . .


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