Rates of STDs in Taiwan

There are only ladies. So, no worries.

How frequent is the transmission of HIV via vaginal sex?

Are there any other factors? Like intravenous needle use?

Well ya…when one gets into a serious relationship, get tested, as everyone should already be aware of. then, if the relationship is exclusive, there are far fewer risks. That said, eating and using toilets in public are probably the most common risk of std type disease transmission assuming people have already taken care of common sense responsible sex measures.

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Such guys are friggen morons and are likely a net positive to be taken out of the breeding pool. I only feel sorry for their victims.

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Japan looks to set syphilis records 3 years in a row and it’s continuing to go up.

“fastest rate of increase seen since comparable data became available in 1999”

Curious to me that it was increasing over the pandemic.

I wonder if Taiwan and other countries in Asia have a similar situation.