Real Taiwan living experiences they don't tell you about

Education was at a state university.
Tuition back then started out at $1500 per academic year and ended up at $3000 (state budget deficit).
Still cheap compared to private schools back then that were starting at $10-15,000.

I was referring to your unusual description of your degree as “BS,” not some public / private distinction. :rofl:


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You missed the joke.

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Oh. BS = Bachelor of Science. BA = Bachelor of Arts.
Anyway, it wasn’t a bullsheet degree, because the public university is very very well-known in Taiwan for excellent academic reputation, heh heh

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Where I come from, they call that a “BSc” to avoid the idiotic needling provided by twits like me.

Glad @Marco got it though. :grin:


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Some folks a bit slower on the uptake :grin:.

Fellow BS’er here.

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It’s Sunday, a day of rest. :slight_smile:



And how long it took you to get there and for what price?

In Europe you can move to East Europe like Czech, Poland, Hungary or Crotia, Portugal and receive income trough self registered company while work for western company. Effective tax rate will be 10 to 20%. For 7 mio twd can actually buy decent house with land near major airport. Taiwan is not cheap at all. We prefer Europe with small kids. Just on kindergarten alone I save like 40k twd monthly. Work 38 hours and wife does 30 and our neto income is 2x higher than it was in Taiwan. With 30 days of holiday.

How long maybe ten years hard labour :wink::grin:.

Actually I made most of my money speculating on imaginary currencies in a computer server…Ridiculous I know…But that’s how the world works these days .

I wouldn’t recommend Taiwan to folks who want it easy and most people that’s for sure . Just learning Chinese and adapting to the culture is a massive task in itself !

But then again , as mentioned previously, it can be a very good place for lots of people.

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Europe is better, but there is no need for this comparison, EU is EU and TW is TW.
People come here and expect European lifestyle with TW prices, when they see it doesn’t happen they become disappointed…
If you have a chance for better life in Germany or in Timbuktu do what is best for you and your family.


Are they hard up for pharmacists there now? I heard that the US is short and looking at robotics.

Doesn’t work like that in my part of Europe.
I wish it did but it doesn’t (free kindergarten and all that ).

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VAT is out of control in Europe. The new iPhone is about 200 gbp cheaper in Taiwan than in the UK.


This is what public forums are for. Yes, often one have to be carefully when talk to typical Taiwanese cause they might be offended. It is not culturally thing in Taiwan to discuss facts openly, so forum is only place. I often read Europe is in decline here and I can tell you by my personally experiences (worked in Taiwan and in 3 different European countries) this is not the case. UK is tiny part of Europe.
Is much easier to raise kids in Europe and work for western company is generally more rewarding. I expect we will see emigration of tsmc engineers to Intel in next 10 years. Taiwanese management always play tricks and they will never be willing to pay American salaries. This is why I bet big on Intel.

Sure everyone has their own calculations amd expectations. It has always been this way.

That’s not a bad idea if you can do it …Most companies and employers won’t or can’t do that but for IT or something…Yeah
But I want to live near my family and friends and with my fellow people too . At least half the year anyway. When you have kids you cant be messing around.

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EU company can send workers from abroad and issue local invoice in original country. We always pay invoices in Czech, Poland. I think 20 % of German workforce operates this way. Constructions, logistics, informatics, unqualified workers etc. Low bruto for hourly pay of foreign worker is around 25 euros. Everyone claims massive tax deductions like daily allowance and work abroad.


It is, you see too many really expensive cars driving around lately.


A lot of that is people spending well beyond their means on cars.

But I don’t agree that operating a car should be expensive. It’s a basic necessity.

Any car will get you from A to B, doesn’t need to be the huge expensive fast one.