Referendums Galore - 2018 Municipal Elections

That…that would be pretty glorious.

The petition could be based on some bollocks like:“Taipei isn’t very inclusive, while “Republic” in Latin is “Res Publica”, which translate to “Public Affair”, something that matters to everyone”.



pal who got citizenship this year was able to vote for local elections but couldn’t in referendums as his name was not found on that list.

I am so sick of this election.

What day/time will the results of the local elections and referendums be announced?

if you can resolve a true real-time voting issue through help of member(s) of this forum, then forumosa truly is da bomb

We got 4 hours! Click is ticking!!!


Seriously, I can’t find any time restrictions on the referendums aside from age. A mistake? Only in his case? Weird.

What time do they stop accepting votes?


Then he’s only got 3 hours.

Do you know when they will release the results?

Takes them a couple of hours.

Kids upstairs are deadly quiet. I feel sorry for them. Even if they lose, I’d like to buy a new rainbow flag for them.


Please note that the English phone service for new immigrants as announced on CEC`s website DOES NOT WORK!!!


Official results, candidates etc here, English version as well

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You need to be a national to vote, and need to speak Chinese to become a national through naturalisation if your not born to Taiwanese parents, so I’m struggling to see who would need to use an English Central Election Committee phone line. If your friend became a national this year, why can’t he use the Chinese speaking telephone number? You could argue that if he can’t speak any of the languages of the country he lives in, should he really be able to vote? The language requirement of naturalisation shows me that they don’t want non-Chinese speaking foreigners to gain the right to vote. I mean, how informed can you really be about this election if you don’t speak the language and can’t understand any of the candidates? There is virtually no good English coverage of this election…

Well he passed the tests, he has lived here 20 years and he already used his language skills to try to solve this issue face to face.

What we were looking for was the fastest way to adress his problem specifically as an immigrant.

Anyways, the problem I have is that a service is announced and not given. If as you say, it is his fault for not knowing enough to complain at the proper place, then do not offer such service at all.

Again, what we cannot find so far is a number we can call call in any language to denounce anomalies. There should be a hotline.

He is informed enough, graduate degree from Taiwan and all, but I fear that as an immigrant, his right as voter and tax payer us being taken away. He has already lost his faith in the system. This kind of thing makes Taiwan look like our old banana republic arranged elections and it is not good.

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Does anyone know when the results will be announced?

Usually seem to come in around 9

Exactly. Kinda surprised how so few understand this. That’s the whole point even if we are not allowed to change it to Taiwan the whole world will know where the Taiwanese stand. The PRC plays the political game with over the top rhetoric and small practical steps. Taiwan can not afford complacency.

Is there some website with live updates of the results as them come in?

I get what your saying. I guess it’s too late for him to vote now. Since he was not given the ability to protect his rights by voting, could he not sue the CEC for their mistake? If it was a mistake and there isn’t some kind of waiting period. I remember that one of the questions of the naturalisation language exam says something about voting after naturalising, maybe you can check that out.
