Referendums Galore - 2018 Municipal Elections

The IOC can suspend the CTOC if there is government interference. E.g. the referendum passes and the DPP government pressures the CTOC to initiate name change procedures. See the example of Kuwait

That could only be initiated by the CTOC. IF they decide to do that, it would be THEIR fault, not the referendum’s fault.

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According to this article in the UDN
" Gov’t: “Chinese Taipei” Designation to be Retained for Participation in Sporting Events

Source: UDN

21 November, 2018

With regard to the “Plebiscite for Changing Designation to ‘Taiwan’ in the Tokyo Olympics”, an informed source revealed that the Tsai government had expressed to the International Olympic Committee through an official channel that even if the aforesaid plebiscite were to pass, Taiwan would maintain the status quo and not change the “Chinese Taipei” designation which is used to participate in international sporting events.

Both the Presidential Office and the Executive Yuan (Cabinet) stated yesterday that “the ROC is a democratic country, and citizens have a right to vote on a plebiscite.” Lin He-ming (林鶴明), a Presidential Office spokesperson, stated that “we respect the decision made by the Central Election Commission in accordance with the law. The Presidential Office will not comment on any plebiscites proposals promulgated for election this weekend.”

“Informed sources familiar with the matter” are CNN’s favorite “”“source”"", so I’ll take that with a pinch of salt.
But yeah, what many people hope is that the referendum will pass but the government will not push for it, in order to protect the well being of the athletes.

I keep saying that the referendum is pointless, but it’s also really stupid to keep buying fake news.

So, this is kind of misleading/uninformed.

The commissioners, as I am sure you are aware, are appointed by their home states. All states in the EU are democracies, hence the governments that make the appointments for commissioners have a democratic mandate.

Furthermore, the commission needs to be approved by the EP whose MEPs are directly elected.

So anyway, stop spreading fake news, it just muddles the discussions.


Nope, a unanimous decision by the council of ministers would have to approve a treaty change to allow a European army. Any single minister from the 28 member states can veto the proposal. I call BS on this rubbish.

Stop spreading fake news and derailing thread topics…

Most likely the referendum will make no difference as far as Olympic participation is concerned, but for those pushing for an independence referendum it is a way to gauge public support for such a move.

Opinion articles from 2016 vs the words of EU leaders in 2018. I wonder which one may be more reliable?

My point was that referendums are an important way for citizens to express their opinion over a topic that political parties don’t consider relevant, and they can also shape the future of politics because if a topic receives enough attention it can become part 9f a political campaign.

I’ll take a system with “dumb” referendums over one where people I’ve never had the chance to vote get to dictate decisions while ignoring the opinion of those I actually had the opportunity to vote.

Fortunately the EU is not the latter. In all member states there are elections for members in the European Parliament.

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Yes, and the people we vote and send to the Eu are there to represent our countries…and the Eu commission can ignore them, even when the people we voted to represent our country veto something proposed by the commission.

Starting to see the problem, or do you think it’s a legit form of government?

In before:"the Eu is not a government " -> lol

In before : "off topic,fake news, hurr " -> I made an analogy with the EU to prove the importance of referendums in a democracy. If people start to sperg out shilling for the Eu it’s not my fault.

They can’t ignore them stop making moronic statements. Council of Ministers (ministers appointed by sovereign govt elected by citizens ) is the final decision making body. Any single minister can veto a defense proposal.
Also MEPs are directy elected to the European parliament . Defence and foreign policy is in the hands of sovereign governments .

So, the issue is not so much you using a analogy of the eu to make a case for referendums. It is just that your statement is factually incorrect.

If you wish to use analogies, you cannot just make up the facts and/or misrepresent.

The Commissioners take an oath to the EU, they are not supposed to be representing their home countries.

I have no idea what you are trying to say here. If the commission can “ignore” the eu parliament veto, then it in fact was not a veto.

Veto by definition cannot be ignored.

Do you mean legislation ? I am not sure of anything else the Commission would propose.

The commission cannot enact legislation by itself, that is done by the EP(by MEPs directly elected).

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I’m still not getting why the opinions of athletes are held at such high esteem here on the topic of the ink shapes on their shirts…names are political and cultural. logically the people get to choose that course of patriotism, not the very very few people competing. It frankly seems.shocking to me if someone was so.selfish as to suggest giving up their country’s name to be called by the enemy’s name just so they can one of the organized events. I get the want to go, but they need some mental education along with the physical if they can’t get this very basic loyalty principle.

I like the idea of referendum, meaning actual democracy. If people in high percentage are dumb, that’s another topic of education, culture and But the topics and wording of most of this do seem a bit dumb. Sometimes I feel the thing, aids, Olympics names etc is so ph*cking retarded when the air, water and food is literally, and scientifically proven to be actually killing us. These couple.months our lives have been filled with what I consider elementary school level thinking and conversation. They want to stop gay marriage, which generally binds 2 people together more solidly than if they were not married thus causing percentage wise less “fooling around” and by proxy reducing STD spread, including aids. All the while.worrying about NHI and gay foreign AIDS spreaders while not batting an eye lash to the over prescription issues here and the EXTREME epidemic of kidney and liver failure due in part to over medication (ask any doctor or nurse you know on a personal basis). Just as a numbers game, how organ diseases, even just kidney or liver, can be less importAnt than aids is simply mind boggling. And cancer, shit. This is due entirely to extreme religious style people and the traditional style.of control over others here that influences the population especially lack of back bone and education. Frankly, its pathetic people think gay marriage bankrupt the health insurance system based on aids and turning a blind eye to the massive health emergencies Taiwan actually has right now. Of which there are many! Past, present and especially future. How is pollution not in any real.way on the agenda? Nuclear vs coal is a farce, doesn’t count. If people cared more about controlling their children’s food safety, air quality and medicine quality, the death rates and NHI costs would plummet faster than the mountains here after deforestation and global warming.

How is fact so easily clouded by assholes?

you must’ve lost five kilos getting that off your chest.



That text wall made me go cross-eyed. Can you give a Reader’s Digest summary?

In the beginning it was:“The referendum about name change doesn’t influence me at all, and if some people may suffer from it fuck 'em because it’s for the greater good”. He then proceeded to point out that all these referendums are dumb anyway because pollution/climate change/we’re all going to die/appeal to greater problems.

Then I think he wants a referendum to outlaw cancer? I’m a bit lost on the last part.

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Thank you for your service!

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Some one has suggested if we as citizens can’t even ask CTOC to petition for a name change, then next time we should just start a referendum to rename Taipei city to 民國市.

So instead of 中華台北, the organization would need to petition for a name change to 中華民國. The English name of the city would be Republic city, so the English name of the team would be Chinese Republic.