Reinstating NHI after living abroad

My wife is a Taiwanese citizen who moved abroad and had her household status changed to “moved out of country”. In a couple of months she will be going back to Taiwan and reinstating her household registry status. Does anyone know how long it takes for her to be able to get NHI? Is there a residency requirement? She is planning of living in Taiwan for 3-6 months a year and back in the states for the other 3-6 months.

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6 months after restablishing residency. Only way around this is keep paying NHI, and just don’t bother stopping NHI when you leave.

If you’re gone more than 2 years your NHI will stop regardless, and won’t be able to reestablish until you come back for 6 months.

By reestablishing residency do you mean just reactivating her household registry status and getting a new national ID card? Or does she need to live in Taiwan for 6 months also?

I think she plans on continuing to pay for it monthly.

I don’t know, but I know I didn’t have NHI for 6 months once I reactivate my HR. I am not sure what happens if you leave during this time.

She had to live in Taiwan continuously for six months basically unless she is employed by a Taiwan company then it starts days she is employed from.

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Thanks you. That’s how I thought the rules were but I have a friend in a similar situation who went back to Taiwan last year and reactivated his household registry. But he did change his address from Banqiao to Taoyuan.
About 3 weeks later after he came back to the states he received a bill at his Taoyuan address indicating he’s on the NHI.

Does she need to work at a publicly listed company in order to get on NHI right away? She’s actually thinking of working part time at a local small store. Will that qualify her to get NHI immediately?