Remedy for insomnia

Did anybody try watching the video I posted? If that doesn’t make you sleep, then all those drugs are useless too.

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Skip dinner. Works every time.

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Benzos are strongly linked to memory problems, so it’s best to avoid them. The sleep they cause isn’t good either, but antihistamines actually improve the quality of sleep.

12 hours of heavy lifting is great for insomnia.

I can’t sleep hungry unless truly exhausted.

I was going to, but I fell asleep before that…

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Yea all the benzos I have used so far is not even that effective in making me sleep. Antihistimines however make me feel TIRED fast. Especially benedryl. Problem is, my supply is going to run out and they are actually expensive in Taiwan.

There are other antihistimines like cetirezine but while they’re very effective for allergies they rob you of energy for a day or 2.

Holy shit… not saying that it’s the Final Solution, but why don’t you guys try to be active during the day time, get TIRED and read / watch something in bed? surely that should help…

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Or knock yourself out with a bottle of whiskey or two…


Maybe I’d sleep better if I could use my cat as a teddy bear… but my cat wants to bite and scratch me at bedtime.

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I don’t drink coffee, until recently since I’m in Italy. But my problem is that I’m wired and sharp at night. I can focus more and think better in the evenings. I was told by a psychologist for sleep that some people are just wired this way.

Other explanations are that humans actually should have 2 sleeps in 24 hours. Not 1 long one.

Kinda like cats don’t just sleep for 16 hours at a time, but they you know, take cat naps…

Sleeping in one stretch is a very modern behavior. We used to stay up a few hours around midnight and sleep again a few hours.

50mg diphenhydramine capsules are available at every pharmacy for a few NT each. I have a giant bag that cost me less than 200NT.

That’s the same active ingredient as Benadryl.

Last time I asked for it at the pharmacy it was 100nt for a box of 10. Where are you finding a big bag of it for 200nt?

Taipei City Hall Station
There is a pharmacy near the exit there near 7-11. They have a giant bottle and count out how many you want.

I’ll check it out… it also helps with cat allergy too

Just about every pharmacy I’ve ever been to has basic medicines like that for a few NT each.

But naproxen and ibuprofen are expensive here. I get big bottles of those from the US.

Show them the Chinese word for what you want.

For me :

  1. saying the rosary or
  2. take two allergy pills before dinner or
  3. an hour before bed, sit in the dark, listen to rain videos on YouTube.
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According to “Why we sleep”, by Matthew Walker, we are genetically either owls, like yourself, or larks, that have a preference to rise early. He proposes it is some evolutionary hangover, as having different genes meant survival of the group, as some cave dwellers could be on watch, while other slept, kind of thing.

Personally, I’ve heard enough dubious evolution arguments already from the paleo dietary movement. I don’t know if I buy that our sleep preference is hard coded in our genes, because at some point in my life I changed from being an owl to a lark.

I think it’s clearly partly developmental and environmental early in life and primarily environmental most of the one’s adult life.