Renaming files

Is there a tool to rename a whole bunch of files at once (for example: substitute ENG in a filename with CHT)?

I use a free version of Servant Salamander as file manager because it is much more convenient than the file manager (Windows Explorer?) that comes with my Chinese Win2k. However, in neither one of the file managers, I can find an option that would allow me to rename more than one file at once.

Any help out there?


Download at tool called Rname-it.

I can send it to you if you want…we use it to rename the past projects:) you know…



Yes, please! :slight_smile: Yes, I know :wink:

Thanks so much, I’ve got close to 2000 files here to rename. And that won’t have been the last time.



Follow the link on my edit to previous comment. You should get a good download.


Great, download worked. Now, I have to figure out how to use it.

It works! Amazing :slight_smile:

Thank you so much

Youngsters today! They don’t even know how to use a DOS prompt and REN with wildcards! :unamused:

It’s not like you can REN everything on DOS. This R-nameit thingy treats special case. Things that we cannot do with the REN thingy.

For example Filenames come with XXXXXXX_ENG.DOC
You got a thousand of them looks just exactly in that format.
You can do a REN *.DOC to *.BAK, that’s what DOS usu. do. R-nameit renames all XXXXXXX_ENG.DOC to XXXXXXX_CHT.DOC .

That’s why this little tool is very useful to me. Another tool that is also usefull called CopyTree.exe

It’s used to copy an entire project folder tree to another folder and leave it empty. It’s useful when we do translation. Clients wants us to keep the directory structures intact, but only instructs us to translate certain files in certain folders and further leave all other folders empty.



DOS is a bit more flexible than that (REN *ENG.DOC *CHT.DOC) but with long filenames or those containing space or dots it would have indeed a problem if more complex renaming is required.

DOS also supports “?” for individual characters, i.e. REN h?. hx*.* would change only the 2nd character to “x” for all files starting with “h”, whatever the 2nd character might be.

Oh those were the DOS days … :wink: