Repost Hall of Shame

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:rotating_light: FREE BUSINESS IDEA! :rotating_light:
For people who are so attached to reposts that they need them like a kid needs a teddy bear, the Repost Bear combines the physical comfort of a plush toy with the memefulness of the interwebs, randomly (re-)cycling through a finite supply of memes displayed on its stomach (Teletubby edition) or in its eyes (super-freaky edition)…

If you get rich from this, please donate 1% of profits to the Rigel-Earth Friendship Society Benevolent Fund. :bowing:

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Ah man…not allowed to say the same thing over and over again… Well I guess ‘make all humans be original’ is better than ‘kill all humans’ at least :grinning:

OK, getting things back on track here… :sweat_smile:


Ya, back on track. Chinese shill in charge of world health that blocks countries from being involved with world health.

Nice one, that is hillarious!


Only Dr. M would “get things back on track” by re-reposting! :crazy_face:

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Hey! It’s a stereotype that Rigellians want to eat humans. Only like ~75% of are (would-be) humanivores. And to be fair, most of them really just want to eat humans, not kill them, so if they could find a way to keep the things alive long-term while eating them over and over, they would.

I’ve been on the wagon for decades now, so you have nothing to fear from me. :innocent:


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If mountain lions weren’t so dangerous they’d make a really good pillow…

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Found: Re-Reposted Cat!

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Hey, the space squid just invented network television! We’ll make a human out of him yet… :sweat_smile:


If I zap your post, all I need is a simple scarlet “R” tattooed on your forehead.

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After years of hard work, there are more re-reposts than ever! :runaway:

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Wait, I’m a repost?

Different joke, riffing off the original picture. You’re getting a bit overenthusiastic here, yyy.


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