Repost Hall of Shame

Please do not have a repost anywhere (except in the RotD thread). Thank you!



A little disappointed and I am only in FP 2024…


Looks like Mel Gibson in Brave Heart!


Looks like a repost!


I learned of Adderall from a Netflix show. I had no idea that so many were taking legalized speed/meth in the US. Sometimes (oftentimes), I wonder what in the world is going on back home.

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Drugs…lots of drugs. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Big Dairy’s first Adderall repost…


Reposter on death row: “My death will be memed and reposted for eternity! I shall achieve immortality!..”

…which is why the executions are kept totally secret, of course. :smiling_imp:

Just kidding. Reposts are punished through karma that can be far harsher than mere death. :no_mouth:

Different pictures :unamused:

Same meaning – gambling.


A short story of reposting:

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Thanks for zapping, whoever it was that zapped this one! :bowing:

I’ve come to the realization that being a proper Repost Czar simply takes too much time, and it ends up feeling like work, which is a terrible thing for it to feel like when no-one pays me to point out how forgetful you silly humans and assorted farm animals are.

So, a few questions:

  • Do people actually enjoy this thread?

  • Can the tracking down of old posts be automated with AI anytime soon?

  • Are the current Czar’s credentials as a rememberer of old posts so well established by now that if he merely zaps new posts without linking the old posts, the sinners will refrain from pleading not guilty?

That was me self censoring by posting here directly. Then someone else rereposted my repost and got a load of precious likes for it in the other thread.

I recon you should put a more virulent fear of god into them so that the entire thread moves over here. The other thread should then be reserved for original venn diagrams only :smile:


Thanks for the suggestion, but you’re talking about FPP? That’s out of my jurisdiction.

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