Reputable laser treatment centers/clinics

Thanks guys!

I googled and found a YouTuber with video on pico laser treatment with information and advice in Taiwan…ChiaLikeChiaSeed.

The woman said there’s info on FB and IG also…watch it on YouTube!

TWD5000-7000 as average price for one session and TWD2000-4000 as special/discount.

Sharing the above with all who wish to have pico laser done on your face in Taiwan.

The clinic she introduced is called RONG HUA but when I googled I couldn’t find it. Can anyone help please?

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I assume you’re asking about laser hair removal and not laser surgery? Any laser hair removal center will be fine. They all use the same machine which do not require much skill to operate. Just look for the cheapest one.

Pico laser removal of pigments on face only!

It’s all about genetics and science.

So, like, face whitening? I’ve never heard of using laser to whiten your face.

It removes brown spots especially come from sun or like freckles or age, acne scars, etc. It’s after breaks down can give the impression of whitening.

Hair removal more expensive because larger areas.

My friend in the industry suggested go to a hospital is good quality and cheaper so I’m trying to get more information about that.

Lots of shops on Zhongxiao Dong Lu section 4.

Thank you very much! I’ll await your updates.

As a foreigner, how much do hospitals charge in Taipei?

I’m not sure about laser treatment businesses that aren’t reputable.

These shops are most popular in Taipei and people come from all over.


Any more info on hospital laser treatment please?

Any more information on which hospitals in Taipei where I can get laser treatment for pigments please?

Names? Websites?
Prices for non citizens of Taiwan?

Thank you very much!!!

Any more recommendations of hospitals in Taipei please?

I found a few hospitals in Taipei but I don’t know how to choose.

Can anyone offer any recommendations or advice please?

Just removal of pigments!

I’m not interested in whitening my face.