Reputable laser treatment centers/clinics

Does anyone know of any reputable laser treatment centres or clinics in Taipei please?

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What do you want to get treated?

Their laser, obviously!

Try here! LaserMechanisms Taiwan Ltd.雷射雕刻-RepairService

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Facial laser treatment!

Does anyone know of any reputable clinics in Taipei?

Thank you!

Most chains are okish, as well as reputable dermatologists.

Whereabouts are you?


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Yeah this in Taipei especially where people got to have their laser treatment and don’t mind paying.

Face pigments with pico 250 laser treatment


Any good clinic in Taipei is fine

That could be you!!!

Can anyone ask around for me and post here please?

I read online that prices are reasonable in Taiwan and service is good.

Why don’t you look on Google maps and call? We don’t even know what specific treatment you want, and we aren’t doctors.

I found 1/2 but don’t know anything about them!

Or I don’t know, go to a GP at a major hospital, tell him what kind of treatment(s) you are after and ask for a referral. It’s their specialty after all.


And budget.

I mean, even hospitals have a beauty department, and I do not mean cosmetic surgery, and laser is part of the services.

So basically consideration should be convenient location, reasonable pricing and reputation.

So again the question: where would you like to receive the service? How much are you willing to pay? Any other requests?

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Hospitals do cosmetic surgery because that is a part of a legitimate medical treatment for say accident victims who received a disfiguring injury, and the cosmetic surgery is reconstructive. I am not sure if NHI covers such surgeries.

Almost all hospitals have private clinics doing cosmetic surgery or treatments.

:moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: