Requesting Proof of resignation

Hello everyone, I have a question about how requesting proof of resignation works in.

For context, I worked in a fine dining restaurant near Taipei 101 for approximately six months as a part-timer and decided to resign.
I have made two requests for the document: the first time was through an email, but I’m not sure if the restaurant manager saw it.
The second request was when I visited the restaurant directly to ask for the document one day after the Lunar New Year. However, when I asked for it, my former supervisor requested more time. I suggested that tomorrow would work,
but the supervisor asked me to wait and return in another week to get the document.
Is this normal for anyone who request this document to wait for a week?

It would seem totally reasonable at this time of year to wait for a week. Many businesses have their CPA handle this stuff. Their CPA will not be back to work until next week and the first few days will be extremely busy catching up.

As I recall, it has taken 2-3 business days in the past for me. But my employers have all had their own HR departments and could do this in-house.

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This is the problem. These are not business days. The restaurant may be open but whoever is doing the admin is off until next week.

I’ve just asked again to my other former supervisor for the Requesting Proof of resignation and he said that it may take up from 1 week to 1 month since the restaurant has to approve check the data and submit the information to the government; which is suprisingly quite long since the workplace only employ rougly 20-30 people